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Healthwatch India

How To Keep Your Heart Healthy

Heart Disease in India: A Growing ConcernThe Silent Killer: A Closer Look at Heart Disease Risks in IndiaCardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have emerged as a silent killer in India, claiming countless lives and leaving countless more burdened with disabi.Continue Reading

We Have To Learn How To Live with Covid19 Myths and Facts

Dr. Faheem Younus from the University of Maryland in America, head of the Infectious Disease Clinic. He tweets Myths and facts about Covid-19, As per him People will live with Covid19 for months. Let’s not deny it or panic..Continue Reading

Positive and Negative Impact of Coronavirus lockdown On India

Across the entire world, air pollutants has been lowering appreciably. Air and the water in rivers had been getting cleanser thanks to the coronavirus lockdowns..Continue Reading

Will Covid19 Change the Way We Live

COVID-19 pandemic is the hot topic everywhere now a days.Lets think positive we'll have a vaccine for covid-19, also approved treatments supported many patients’ data..Continue Reading

What You Can Do Yourself For Self Quarantine Covid19

WHAT YOU CAN DO YOURSELF - SELF QUARANTINESelf Assessment Test By ApolloClinical professionals, specialists surrounding us are unequivocally pushing social separating and self-isolate, and for a valid reason..Continue Reading

First Human Trial For Coronavirus Vaccine To Happen in April

Around 139 groups of researchers are in the way of developing a an effective coronavirus vaccineAs the researchers around the world are trying to develop a vaccine against Covid-19, with more than 139 candidate vaccines now tracked by the WHO (World .Continue Reading

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