Dr. Faheem Younus from the University of Maryland in America, head of the Infectious Disease Clinic. He tweets Myths and facts about Covid-19, As per him People will live with Covid19 for months. Let’s not deny it or panic. Let’so lets not make life unnecessarily complex or difficult. Let us learn how to live with covid19.

COVID +ve patients must be isolated in state-run quarantine facilities
Whenever possible, let patients stay in home isolation OR masses will avoid testing
source: Link
We don’t have the resources to fight COVID
It’s not about the resources; it’s about National will. Do:
- debunk conspiracy theories
- develop ONE national plan
- demand selfless leadership
- unite all stakeholders
No divided nation will win against a united virus
Wear gloves in public places to prevent COVID
Virus enters via mucosa of nose/throat/eyes; not skin
Gloved hands may accumulate more germs that end up transporting to your face. Risky!
Wash hands. Ditch gloves (unless you’re caring for a COVID patient)
Myth: Since there was no global travel 100 years ago, COVID will be worse than Spanish Flu.
Partly true. But we also didn’t have so much info, antibiotics, antivirals, vaccines and ventilators 100 years ago.
Chances of winning are much better this time.
100% of us will get COVID eventually. So why bother?
Even Spanish flu, 100 yrs ago, infected ~33% of the world
Be patient, live cautiously, take one day at a time until you receive a vaccine shot.
Then TELL a great story to your grandchildren
Never despair:)
Hydroxychloroquine HQ can prevent COVID and there is no down side.
There is NO scientific evidence that HQ prevents COVID. It can cause serious side effects. Use may deplete HQs supply for millions who use it for approved indications.
source: Link
You MUST shave facial hair or a mask won’t work
Shave if you’re using an N95 mask (pictured) as it seals around the facial skin and blocks 95% of airborne particles under 0.5 microns
No need to shave if you’re using cloth mask or regular surgical masks
Follow up:
But doesn’t the virus become airborne with aerosolization?
Yes. That’s not a natural phenomenon; happens with medical procedures that generate droplets <0.5 mic and we recommend appropriate precautions in that setting
For regular daily life, it’s not airborne
Air conditioners are a source of COVID
The strong air current from an AC/fan can propel COVID droplets farther than they’d normally travel. Risk is higher in tight spaces
Coronavirus is airborne
My take:
CoV is a droplet infection, NOT airborne. (Yes, I’ve read the studies showing CoV remains suspended in air). They’re inconclusive
If airborne infections (TB/measles) fly like an eagle, CoV flies like a chicken. There’s no comparison
Take vitamin C/ D and/or Zinc tablets will boost my immunity
Sleep, exercise and intermittent fasting may boost immunity
Vitamins and Zinc are ONLY beneficial if you’re deficient in them. Taking extra has NO proven benefit
source: Link
Myth: Sun exposure prevents COVID
Sun: “I never claimed that my rays will prevent COVID. Don’t blame me for another man made hokus pokus myth.
BTW, I reserve my right to cause more skin cancers if ya’ll don’t stop.
Where we were 2 months ago:
Our 1st COVID patient: 3/8/20 Treatments: 0
Now patients receive:
Convalescent plasma
Future patients may also get:
IL-6 blockers
Monoclonal immunoglobulins
Imagine where we’ll be in 2 months! Hope!
Must wipe groceries/produce with bleach or you’ll get COVID
Such bleach/chemical use does more harm than good. No COVID cases have been linked to contaminated packets????
COVID generates enough real problems; let’s not create more for ourselves
source: Link
Change your clothes, wash your shoes, take a bath when you come home. Or you’ll give your family COVID
Just wash your hands and hug your kids. (Yes, I’ve read the studies about virus surviving on surfaces:-)
Exception: Unless you work in a hospital’s COVID (then do)
We will never find a vaccine for COVID just like we never found one for HIV.
HIV mutations are very different/severe compared to coronavirus mutations. Plus HIV kills CD4s, the very cells required to build immunity.
COVID vaccine will be developed by 2021
Myth: Disinfectants have no down side; use them liberally
Disinfectants may promote bacterial resistance by a factor of 12
Prefer soap and water for hand washing
Use disinfectants:
In moderation
Switch brands often
Leave them on surface longer
Due to outbreaks in meat processing plants, stop eating meat. We can get COVID from it.
No we can’t. Because:
1. COVID is not a food borne disease. To get sick, we inhale - not ingest - the virus
2. Cooking the meat kills viruses anyways
Global weekly COVID deaths compared to big killers like malaria, suicide, alcohol, diabetes...
The “its just another flu” camp in some countries is now saying “why aren’t we seeing many deaths?”
You can either wait.....
Or wake up and mitigate
Has COVID infected your sleep?
My patients r reporting NIGHTMARES, sleeplessness, anxiety
Talk about your nightmares (don’t internalize)
Sleep/wake up on time. Maintain schedule
Avoid over the counter sleep aids/alcohol/marijuana etc.
Give this phone a break:)
Myth: We should use disinfectants and “strong lights” to cure COVID.
Truth: Ingesting disinfectants can be fatal.
Instead as a people, we should all disinfect our hearts and enlighten our minds. EVERYONE please.
COVID Health:
A simple tip to win against COVID: Stop smoking, vaping. Or convinced your loved ones to stop smoking.
Your risk increase because of touching your face, sharing products with others, and damaging your lungs.
Every smoke free day will help. Stop today.
1. We may have to live with C19 for months or years. Let's not deny it or panic. Let's not make our lives useless. Let's learn to live with this fact.
2. You can't destroy C19 viruses that have penetrated cell walls, drinking gallons of hot water - you'll just go to the bathroom more often.
3. Washing hands and maintaining a
two-metre physical distance is the best method for your protection.
4. If you don't have a C19 patient at home, there's no need to disinfect the surfaces at your house.
5. Packaged cargo, gas pumps, shopping carts and ATMs do not cause infection.
Wash your hands, live your life as usual.
6. C19 is not a food infection. It is associated with drops of infection like the ‘flu. There is no demonstrated risk that C19 is transmitted by ordering food.
7. You can lose your sense of smell with a lot of allergies and viral infections. This is only a non-specific symptom of C19.
8. Once at home, you don't need to change your clothes urgently and go shower!
Purity is a virtue, paranoia is not!
9. The C19 virus doesn't hang in the air. This is a respiratory droplet infection that requires close contact.
10. The air is clean, you can walk through the gardens (just keeping your physical protection distance), through parks.
11. It is sufficient to use normal soap against C19, not antibacterial soap. This is a virus, not a bacteria.
12. You don't have to worry about your food orders. But you can heat it all up in the microwave, if you wish.
13. The chances of bringing C19 home with your shoes is like being struck by lightning twice in a day. I've been working against viruses for 20 years - drop infections don't spread like that!
14. You can't be protected from the virus by taking vinegar, sugarcane juice and ginger! These are for immunity not a cure.
15. Wearing a mask for long periods interferes with your breathing and oxygen levels. Wear it only in crowds.
16. Wearing gloves is also a bad idea; the virus can accumulate into the glove and be easily transmitted if you touch your face. Better just to wash your hands regularly.
17. Immunity is greatly weakened by always staying in a sterile environment. Even if you eat immunity boosting foods, please go out of your house regularly to any park/beach.
Immunity is increased by EXPOSURE TO PATHOGENS, not by sitting at home and consuming fried/spicy/sugary food and aerated drinks.
Original Source: Twitter

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