Coronavirus updates in India: Covid-19 cases crossed the 2-lakh mark with almost one lakh people testing positive for the coronavirus infection in the last 15 days. As per health ministry, India reported 8,908 cases in the last 24 hours, the total number of coronavirus infections in India crossed the 2 lakh-mark to reach 2,07,614 on Wednesday, including 5,815 deaths and 1,00,302 cured/ discharged. Globally, over 6,378,239 cases have been reported, while 3,80,250 people have died.
Lockdown 5.0 which is expected to be called as Unlock 0.1 for the non containment zones. Lockdown is extended till 30th June, only essential services will continue in the containment zone, social, religious, political, cultural events are not allowed to perform. Not more than 50 people are allowed for the wedding and not more than 20 people can come together for the funeral. Curfew maintained from 9 pm to 5 am except for essential services in the country.
Previously The Central government on Sunday released the guidelines for the fourth phase of lockdown guidelines in India. The lockdown 4.0 guidelines had given more relaxations to states compare to previous guidelines of Lockdown 3.0. The demands and expectations of states on lockdown extension had been mixed- with some demanding the extension while others are in favour of opening up the businesses in non-containment zones. Now, the delineation of red, green, and orange zones will be decided by the respective State/Union Territory governments, after taking into consideration the parameters shared by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, as per Home Ministry.
However States and Union Territories may get further space to define containment zones and allow required and restricted activities in non-containment zones, as per official.
Guidelines for Lockdown 4.0 :
List of prohibited activities across India
Below activities continue to be prohibited in Lockdown 4.0.
1. Air Travel - all domestic and international air travel of passengers, except for domestic medical services, domestic air ambulance and for security purposes or purposes as permitted by MHA;
2. Metro rail services;
3. running of schools, colleges, educational and training/coaching institutions;
4. hotels, restaurants and other hospitality services, apart from for the running of canteens in bus depots, railway stations and airports;
5. public places of large public gatherings such as cinemas, shopping malls, gymnasiums entertainment parks, etc.;
6. social, political, cultural and similar gatherings and other large congregations; and, access to religious places/places of worship for public.

Source: TOI
Previous News on Covid19
India reported its fourth death for coronavirus on Thursday (19th March 2020) as the total number of cases of COVID-19 goes up to 173 while most of the states and UT's imposed restrictions, inching for shutdown for sometime also India banning landing of all international commercial passenger flights from March 22 for a week. Further Centre advised all citizens above 65 and below 10 to remain at home. It also requested states to enforce work from home for private sector employees except those working in emergency or essential services.
In excess of 75,000 individuals have been contaminated over the world in light of this coronavirus. In excess of 50 million individuals are isolated in China and Australia and Singapore have restricted chinese explorers. Exactly how genuine and risky is this new strain of coronavirus? The death rate is roughly 2% and hatching time of the coronavirus is between 2 to 11 days. (time span before side effects show up and the hour of infection).The world wellbeing association prescribes washing your hand appropriately with cleanser, not contacting your face. Face covers are not unreasonably viable and ought to be utilized by just those individuals who are associated with being contaminated.
A recently recognized coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (once in the past 2019-nCoV) has been spreading in China, and has now arrived at numerous different nations. This is what you have to think about the infection and the sickness it causes, called COVID-19.
What is Coronavirus? (WHO)
Coronaviruses (CoV) are an enormous group of infections that cause ailment going from the normal virus to increasingly serious sicknesses, for example, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A tale coronavirus (nCoV) is another strain that has not been recently distinguished in people.
Coronaviruses are zoonotic, which means they are transmitted among creatures and individuals. Point by point examinations found that SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet felines to people and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to people. A few known coronaviruses are circling in creatures that have not yet contaminated people.
Regular indications of contamination incorporate respiratory side effects, fever, hack, brevity of breath and breathing troubles. In increasingly serious cases, disease can cause pneumonia, extreme intense respiratory disorder, kidney disappointment and even demise.
Standard suggestions to forestall disease spread incorporate normal hand washing, covering mouth and nose when hacking and wheezing, altogether cooking meat and eggs. Maintain a strategic distance from close contact with anybody demonstrating manifestations of respiratory disease, for example, hacking and sniffling.
Where did it originate from?
Since the infection initially sprung up in Wuhan in individuals who had visited a neighborhood fish and creature advertise (called the Huanan fish showcase), authorities could just say it likely jumped from a creature to people. In another investigation, in any case, the analysts looked at SARS-CoV-2 (in the past 2019-nCoV) hereditary arrangement with those in a library of viral groupings, and found that the most firmly related infections were two coronaviruses that began in bats; both of those coronaviruses imparted 88% of their hereditary succession to that of SARS-CoV-2.
In light of these outcomes, the creators said the SARS-CoV-2 likely started in bats. Notwithstanding, no bats were sold at the Huanan fish showcase, which recommends that another yet-to-be-distinguished creature went about as a steppingstone of sorts to transmit the infection to people.
In any event one investigation has recommended that this "moderate" creature was the pangolin, an imperiled, subterranean insect eating well evolved creature. Be that as it may, full information from this investigation has not been discharged, making the outcomes hard to confirm, as indicated by the BBC.
A past report proposed snakes, which were sold at the Huanan fish showcase, as a potential wellspring of the new infection. In any case, a few specialists have condemned the examination, saying it's misty if coronaviruses can taint snakes.
What number of passings from coronavirus have happened outside terrain China?
As of Feb. 25, there have been 42 revealed passings from the new coronavirus outside of China. These remember 16 passings for Iran, 10 passings in South Korea, 7 passings in Italy, 3 passings among travelers who were on board the Diamond Princess journey transport, 2 passings in Hong Kong and one demise each in Japan, France, Taiwan and the Philippines, as indicated by Johns Hopkins University.
Indications and Treatments?
Indications of the new coronavirus incorporate fever, hack and trouble breathing, as indicated by the CDC. It's assessed that side effects may show up when two days or up to 14 days after presentation, the CDC said. The NEJM study distributed on Jan. by and large, individuals show indications around five days after they are tainted.
There are no particular medicines for coronavirus diseases and the vast majority will recuperate all alone, as indicated by the CDC. So treatment includes rest and prescription to diminish side effects. A humidifier or hot shower can assist with mitigating an irritated throat and hack. In the event that you are somewhat wiped out, you should drink a ton of liquids and rest yet on the off chance that you are stressed over your indications, you should see a human services supplier, they composed. (This is guidance for all coronaviruses, not explicitly pointed toward the new infection).
On Feb. 25, U.S. authorities reported that the main clinical preliminary in the nation to assess a treatment for COVID-19 was in progress, as indicated by the NIH. The preliminary will test an antiviral medication called remdesivir in hospitalized grown-ups with COVID-19. The main examination member is an American who came down with the malady while installed the Diamond Princess journey transport, and is being treated at University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC). The examination can be adjusted to look at different medicines and select patients at different locales in the U.S. furthermore, around the world, authorities said.
There is no antibody for the new coronavirus, yet analysts at the U.S. National Institutes of Health affirmed they were in primer phases of creating one. Authorities intend to dispatch a stage 1 clinical preliminary of a potential antibody inside the following not many months, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in a news meeting on Jan. 28.
Specialists are additionally chipping away at social occasion tests of the infection to plan a treatment that will prepare patients' invulnerable cells to distinguish and demolish the infection, Facui said.
Coronavirus: Communicable Diseases?
Scientists are as yet attempting to see precisely how SARS-CoV-2 spreads. Be that as it may, all in all, The most widely recognized way coronaviruses spread is through respiratory beads created from hacks and sniffles, as indicated by the CDC. Tests have likewise discovered the infection present in patients' stool, recommending it might have the option to spread through fecal pollution. Be that as it may, it is as yet vague whether individuals can get the infection by contacting debased surfaces, the CDC says.
Insurance ?
The most ideal approach to forestall disease with COVID-19 is to abstain from being presented to the infection, as indicated by the CDC. By and large, the CDC prescribes the accompanying to forestall the spread of respiratory infections: Wash your hands regularly with cleanser and water for in any event 20 seconds; abstain from contacting your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands; keep away from close contact with individuals who are wiped out; remain at home when you are wiped out and clean and sanitize as often as possible contacted items and surfaces.
Individuals who made a trip to China and got wiped out with fever, hack or trouble breathing inside the accompanying two weeks should look for clinical consideration immediately, and call ahead to educate clinical staff about their ongoing travel, the CDC said.
The CDC doesn't suggest face covers for individuals who are well and without side effects. The organization recommends face covers for individuals who show manifestations of the infection and those dealing with somebody wiped out with the infection (counting social insurance laborers).
Update on Tuesday, Feb. 25 (ET):
— The principal clinical preliminary in the U.S. to assess a treatment for COVID-19 has started, as indicated by the NIH. The preliminary will test an antiviral medication called remdesivir in hospitalized grown-ups with COVID-19. The principal study member is an American who came down with the ailment while locally available the Diamond Princess voyage transport, and is being treated at University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC).
— In not more than days, instances of coronavirus in South Korea have soar to around 977, with 10 passings there connected to the infection. The greater part the cases there are individuals from, or by one way or another connected to, a mystery strict organization called Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The New York Times detailed.
— Outbreaks of COVID-19 have additionally been unfurling in Italy and Iran; 270 affirmed cases have been accounted for in Italy, where 7 passings have been connected to the infection, and 61 cases have been accounted for in Iran, where 15 people have kicked the bucket. Iran's Deputy Health Minister has likewise tried positive for the infection, The New York Times detailed.
— About 80,289 affirmed coronavirus cases (principally in terrain China), as indicated by the Johns Hopkins infection dashboard.
— 2,704 passings have been connected to the infection. Passings overall surpass those from SARS. 27,840 people have recouped in the wake of having an affirmed instance of the malady.
— About 41 passings have been connected to the infection outside of territory China, remembering for Italy, Taiwan, the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Iran, France and three Diamond Princess travelers.
— The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention is announcing COVID-19 is up to multiple times more lethal than influenza, with a casualty pace of about 2.3% (in the U.S., regular influenza's casualty rate is about 0.1%), the Times reports.
— More than 600 people locally available the Diamond Princess journey transport off Japan tried constructive for the coronavirus. There were 3,700 travelers and group on the boat when it initially docked off Japan. The third individual tainted while on board the boat is accounted for to have kicked the bucket on Sunday (Feb. 23).
— The WHO has now traded the impermanent name for the infection with an official name: Corona Virus Disease, curtailed as COVID-19.
— The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses has named the infection "extreme intense respiratory disorder coronavirus 2, or SARS-CoV-2," because of its hereditary closeness to the infection that causes serious intense respiratory disorder (SARS).
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