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Hiccups: Causes and Prevention

Hiccups, while often harmless and temporary, can be a pesky and uncomfortable experience...

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What is Anterior Horn Cell Disease with Causes Effects and Outlook

Anterior horn cell disease is a medical condition that impacts the nerve cells located in the anterior horn of the spinal cord...

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Dengue: Fight Back with Food & Beat More Than Just Platelet Count (Updated 2024)

Understanding Platelet Counts in Dengue Fever: Insights and Practical TipsDengue fever, a mosquito-borne viral infection, poses significant health risks, including a condition known as thrombocytopeni..

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Understanding the Impact of Thyroid on Women and Prevention Strategies

The thyroid gland, a tiny, butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck, occupies a prominent position in the complex orchestra of human biology...

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Acidity and Acid Reflux (GERD) Treatment and Recommendations in Kolkata

Acidity and acid reflux, also known as GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), can be troublesome if not managed properly...

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Understanding Bronchoscopy Pain Levels and Cancer Detection

A medical procedure called a bronchoscopy is used to see inside the lungs and airways...

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What is Meningoencephalocele with Causesand Treatment

The medical disorder known as meningoencephalocele involves the protrusion or herniation of the meninges, which surround the brain, through a hole or gap in the skull...

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Diagnosis and Treatment of COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive respiratory condition characterized by chronic bronchitis and/or emphysema...

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What is Bartonellosis or Cat Scratch Disease

Bartonellosis, also known as cat-scratch disease, is an infectious bacterial disease caused by Bartonella species...

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Difference between Cachexia and Weight Loss

Symptoms of Cachexia:Cachexia is a complex syndrome characterized by progressive weight loss, muscle wasting, weakness, and a decline in overall physical functioning...

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