Navigating the Maze: A Guide to Social Protection for India's Elderly
India's silver tsunami is upon us. By 2050, the elderly population will soar to a staggering 31.8 crore, painting a vivid picture of a nation grappling with the needs of its aging citizens. While time marches on, financial security and healthcare concerns often lag behind, leaving many elders vulnerable and adrift in a sea of uncertainty.
This article sheds light on the challenges faced by India's elderly and navigates the often-confusing landscape of government schemes designed to offer them a safety net. From Nanhi Dhakal Salkar's struggle to access her rightful pension to a comprehensive overview of relevant programs, we aim to empower both individuals and those supporting them.
Facing the Reality:
The struggles of our elders are multifaceted. Escalating healthcare costs, inadequate retirement savings, and dependence on families for daily needs paint a grim picture. In rural areas, the exodus of youth to cities exacerbates the situation, leaving many elders isolated and facing poverty and distress.
A Beacon of Hope:
Fortunately, the government isn't blind to this silent crisis. Several schemes aim to provide social protection and improve the quality of life for our seniors. These include:
National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP): Offers non-contributory pensions to the elderly, widows, and disabled.
Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY): Provides a monthly pension of INR 9,250 to seniors aged 60 and above.
The Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY) is a pension plan for senior citizens. It's administered by the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC).
The PMVVY offers a regular pension payout for 10 years. The policyholder receives a fixed amount at the end of the chosen period. The minimum pension is Rs 1,000 per month and the maximum is Rs 9,250 per month. The investment limit is Rs 15 lakh per senior citizen.
To be eligible for the PMVVY, you must:
Be at least 60 years old
Have a policy term of 10 years
You can submit your life certificate in the following ways:
In the form provided by the Corporation
Online through "Jeevan Pramaan"
In any other manner as enabled by the Corporation
Integrated Program for Older Persons (IPOP): Aims to enhance the quality of life through basic amenities like food, shelter, and medical care.
The Integrated Programme for Older Persons (IPOP) is a Central Sector Scheme implemented by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment since 1992. The scheme's main objective is to improve the quality of life for senior citizens by providing basic amenities. These amenities include: Shelter, Food, Medical care, Entertainment opportunities, Support for capacity building.
The scheme also provides grants-in-aid to implementing agencies for running and maintaining:
Senior Citizens Homes
Old Age Homes
Continuous Care Homes
Mobile Medicare Units
Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY): Offers financial protection for medical treatments and hospitalization.
Rashtriya Vayoshree Yojana (RVY): Provides essential physical aids and assistive living devices to vulnerable elders below the poverty line.
राष्ट्रीय वयोश्री योजना (आरवीवाई) एक ऐसी योजना है, जिसके तहत बीपीएल श्रेणी के वरिष्ठ नागरिकों को शारीरिक सहायता और सहायक उपकरण मुहैया कराए जाते हैं. यह योजना 1 अप्रैल, 2017 से लागू है. सामाजिक न्याय और अधिकारिता मंत्रालय इस योजना को लागू कर रहा है. इस योजना को वरिष्ठ नागरिक कल्याण कोष (एससीडब्ल्यूएफ़) से फ़ंड मिलता है.
इस योजना के तहत, वरिष्ठ नागरिकों को चलने की छड़ी, कोहनी की बैसाखियां, चलने वाले/बैसाखियां, ट्राइपॉड/क्वाड्रिपॉड, श्रवण यंत्र, व्हीलचेयर, कृत्रिम अंग जैसे सहायक उपकरण मुहैया कराए जाते हैं.
योजनाएं जगह और व्यक्तिगत परिस्थितियों के हिसाब से अलग-अलग हो सकती हैं.
Here's a closer look at some key programs, particularly focusing on healthcare protection:
Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY): Also known as Ayushman Bharat, this flagship scheme offers free health insurance coverage of up to ₹5 lakhs per family per year for secondary and tertiary hospitalization expenses. It covers a wide range of medical procedures and pre-existing conditions for eligible beneficiaries, including senior citizens. To check your eligibility and find empaneled hospitals, visit the official website: or call the toll-free helpline: 14555.
आयुष्मान भारत प्रधानमंत्री जन आरोग्य योजना (AB-PMJAY) के तहत, 10 करोड़ परिवारों को 5 लाख रुपये सालाना का स्वास्थ्य बीमा कवर दिया जाता है. इस योजना का मकसद देश में एक लाख हेल्थ एंड वेलनेस सेंटर स्थापित करना भी है.
इस योजना का लाभ वही लोग उठा सकते हैं जिनकी सालाना आय 2.5 लाख रुपये से कम है. आशा-आंगनवाड़ी कार्यकर्ताओं को भी इस योजना के तहत कवर किया जाता है.
आयुष्मान कार्ड के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने का तरीका:
आयुष्मान कार्ड की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाएं.
लॉगिन बेनेफ़िशरी पर क्लिक करें.
आधार कार्ड से जुड़ा मोबाइल नंबर डालें और अपना ओटीपी भरें.
राजस्थान, कर्नाटक, आंध्र प्रदेश, और झारखंड में 1.6 करोड़, 1.5 करोड़, 1.5 करोड़, और 1.2 करोड़ आयुष्मान कार्ड बनाए गए हैं.
योजनाएं जगह और व्यक्तिगत परिस्थितियों के हिसाब से अलग-अलग हो सकती हैं.
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY): This scheme caters specifically to unorganized sector workers and their families living below the poverty line. It offers a ₹30,000 health insurance cover per family per year for hospitalization expenses. Workers can register through their employer or a Common Service Center (CSC). More information is available on the official website: or by calling the toll-free helpline: 1800-180-1502.
Key Points about RSBY (Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana) Scheme:
Purpose: RSBY aims to provide health insurance coverage for Below Poverty Line (BPL) families to protect them from financial liabilities arising from hospitalization.
Eligibility: Unorganized sector workers belonging to BPL category and their families (a family unit of five) are beneficiaries. Smart cards are issued for identification.
Benefits: Coverage includes in-patient healthcare benefits designed by State Governments, with a sum insured of Rs. 30,000 per family per annum on a family floater basis. Cashless attendance, hospitalization expenses, and pre-existing diseases are covered.
Funding: Government of India contributes 75% of the annual premium, subject to a maximum of Rs. 565 per family per annum, while State Governments contribute 25% of the premium. Beneficiaries pay Rs. 30 per annum as registration/renewal fee.
Enrollment Process: An electronic list of eligible BPL households is provided to the insurer, and mobile enrollment stations are set up at local centers. Smart cards are provided on the spot after payment of the fee and authentication.
Smart Card: Used for identification and enables cashless transactions at empanelled hospitals. Contains information about the beneficiary and is handed over at the enrollment station.
Service Delivery: A list of empanelled hospitals is provided, and beneficiaries can choose where to go. No payment up to Rs. 30,000 is required at empanelled hospitals.
Unique Features: RSBY empowers beneficiaries and stakeholders, including insurers, hospitals, intermediaries, and the government. It is IT-intensive, safe, and foolproof, with portability, cashless and paperless transactions, and robust monitoring and evaluation.
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY)
State-Specific Schemes: Many states offer their own health insurance schemes tailored to their regions and specific eligibility criteria. Visit your state government website to explore available options.
Universal Health Insurance Scheme (UHIS): This scheme, offered by public sector insurance companies, targets individuals and families below and above the poverty line. Coverage ranges from ₹15,000 to ₹5 lakhs depending on the chosen plan and category. Contact the nearest branch of a public sector insurance company for details.
Key Points about the Universal Health Insurance Scheme (UHIS):
Purpose: Launched by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in 2003, UHIS covers medical expenses for the poorest individuals under the Universal Health Assurance Mission (UHAM).
Eligibility: Available to both Below Poverty Line (BPL) and Above Poverty Line (APL) individuals, including the primary income-earner and their families.
Benefits: Covers hospitalization expenses for diseases, illnesses, or injuries, including room and boarding costs, surgeon and medical practitioner fees, and medication expenses. Also includes personal accident cover, disability compensation, and preventive health check-ups.
Funding: Government of India contributes 75% of the annual premium, with the State Governments contributing the remaining 25%. The beneficiary pays a nominal registration/renewal fee.
Enrollment Process: Smart cards are issued for identification, and enrollment is done at local centers. The process is quick and efficient, with smart cards handed over immediately.
Unique Features: Empowers beneficiaries and stakeholders, with an emphasis on information technology, portability, cashless transactions, and robust monitoring and evaluation.
Exclusions: Does not cover certain conditions, including war-related injuries, cosmetic surgeries, dental treatments, and injuries due to self-infliction or criminal intent.
Premium Rates: Premium rates vary based on family size and income category, with government subsidies available for BPL families.
Eligibility Criteria: Criteria include family income, age limits, and proof of belonging to the BPL or APL category.
Enrollment Process: To enroll, approach the insurance provider with the necessary documents, including proof of BPL status.
Hospital List: Treatment should be sought at network hospitals listed by the insurer to avail of cashless benefits.
Premium Rates for Below Poverty Line (BPL) Families:
Individual: Premium Rate (Rs. 300), Insured Share (Rs. 100), Government Subsidy (Rs. 200)
Up to 5 Family Members: Premium Rate (Rs. 450), Insured Share (Rs. 150), Government Subsidy (Rs. 300)
Up to 7 Family Members: Premium Rate (Rs. 600), Insured Share (Rs. 200), Government Subsidy (Rs. 400)
Premium Rates for Above Poverty Line (APL) Families:
Individual: Premium Rate (Rs. 365)
Up to 5 Family Members: Premium Rate (Rs. 548)
Up to 7 Family Members: Premium Rate (Rs. 730)
These premium rates indicate the total amount payable by the insured, the portion paid by the government as a subsidy, and the portion paid by the insured as their share.
Note: Eligibility criteria and benefits may vary slightly across states and schemes. Always carefully research and understand the specific details before enrolling in any plan.
Beyond the Schemes:
Government programs play a crucial role, but additional resources can further support elder healthcare:
NGOs and Charitable Trusts: Organizations like HelpAge India ( and Agewell Foundation offer medical camps, subsidized treatment, and support groups for elders.
Elder Line: This toll-free helpline (14567) provides information, guidance, and emotional support on various concerns, including accessing healthcare services.
Geriatric Care Specialists: Consulting specialized doctors trained in the unique needs of older adults can ensure appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
Beyond the Headlines:
While these schemes hold immense promise, navigating their complexities can be daunting. Nanhi Dhakal Salkar's story highlights the common hurdles – application rejections due to errors, missing documents, and the lack of active bank accounts.
Bridging the Gap:
Organizations like ours can provide crucial support, but individual awareness and initiative are equally important. Here are some additional resources and tips:
To support the RVY, the government established the Senior Citizens’ Welfare Fund in 2016. This fund receives unclaimed amounts from various sources to finance the scheme. While a positive step, ensuring its efficient utilization and transparency is crucial.
The Senior Citizens' Welfare Fund (SCWF) was established in 2016-17 to promote the welfare of senior citizens. The SCWF is an interest-bearing account in the Union of India's Public Account. The Committee administers the account, which is an account under the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.
The SCWF's rules include:
The SCWF promotes the welfare of senior citizens
The SCWF offers schemes to promote financial security, healthcare, and nutrition for senior citizens
The SCWF offers welfare for elderly widows
Sub-Rule (3) of Rule 3 provides that every institution shall transfer unclaimed amounts to the SCWF
Unclaimed money from small savings schemes, public provident fund schemes, employees' provident fund, life and non-life insurance schemes, and coal mines provident fund accounts are transferred to the SCWF
SAMPANN Project: Launched in 2018, this initiative streamlines online pension processing and payment for Department of Telecommunications pensioners. While not directly relevant to all elders, it showcases the potential of technology in improving efficiency and transparency in pension disbursement.
SAMPANN Project Overview:
Launched in 2018 for Department of Telecommunications pensioners.
A brand name for the Comprehensive Pension Management System (CPMS).
Provides seamless online pension processing and payment system.
Includes processing, sanctioning, and disbursement of pensions under one platform.
Enables direct credit of pension into the bank accounts of pensioners.
Faster settlement of pension cases.
Improved reconciliation/auditing.
Ease of accounting.
Available for download on Google Play.
Users log in with details received on their registered mobile number.
Username is the PPO Number, and the first-time password is the default password received via SMS.
Downloading Pension Slip:
Log into SAMPANN with login credentials.
On the left-hand side, find a link called “Generate Pension Slip”.
SACRED Portal for the Elderly: This platform helps individuals over 60 years of age find work opportunities. While commendable, promoting dignified and age-appropriate work options remains crucial for senior citizens seeking financial independence.
The SACRED portal, launched by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment on October 1, 2021, is a platform that connects senior citizens with employment providers and job seekers. It serves as an online marketplace where employers and job seekers can meet, facilitating the sharing of demands by public and private sector enterprises and the sharing of experiences and knowledge by senior citizens. The portal also enables senior citizens to connect with private enterprises for certain positions.
Key Points:
Name: Senior Citizens for Re-Employment in Dignity (SACRED) portal
Launched by: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
Launch Date: October 1, 2021
Purpose: Connects senior citizens with employment providers and job seekers
Features: Online marketplace for sharing demands, experiences, and knowledge
Registration Information Required: First name, Last name, Email, Contact number, Date of birth, Password, Confirm password, State.
Elder Line: This toll-free helpline (14567) provides information, guidance, and emotional support on various concerns, including pensions, medical issues, and legal matters. It can be a valuable resource for seniors and their caregivers.
The National Helpline for Senior Citizens (NHSC) is 14567, a toll-free number that is available from 8 AM to 8 PM.
The NHSC offers a variety of services, including:
Free information
Emotional support
Field intervention in cases of abuse
Reunification of homeless elderly
Information on old age homes
Senior citizen welfare schemes
Psychosocial counseling
Legal guidance
The NHSC is available in six states: Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka, and Uttar Pradesh.
In Delhi, the Senior Citizen Cell can be contacted at 1291.
Valuable Information & Recent Updates for the elderly in India:
Here is a list of elder-friendly products, jobs for retirees, geriatric care providers, and related services:

Elder-Friendly Products:
Seniority: Live Evergreen
ElderEase: Expect More With Ease
Jobs for Retirees:
Senior Jobs: Care in India
Geriatric Care Providers:
EMOHA: Elders First
TriBeCa Ringing Care Ho
PORTEA: Heal at Home
Nightingales: The Home Health Specialist
Athulya Senior Living Communities
Senior Care: Aashiana, You Are in Safe Hands
Travel and Companionship Services:
SeniorWorld® Golden Egers: Sparkling Golden Year of Fiddy
Silver Talkies: For Young Spirited Seniors
Counselling Services:
Wisdom Circle
These services cater to the needs and well-being of seniors, offering a range of products, jobs, care, and support to enhance their quality of life.
Recent Government Initiatives:
National Telemedicine Service: Launched in December 2022, this initiative allows registered doctors to offer virtual consultations, potentially improving access to medical care for elders in remote areas. Learn more here
Elder Line Expansion: The 14567 helpline is now being expanded to include video calling capability, making it easier for visually impaired or non-tech-savvy elders to access support.
Silver Ageing Innovation Challenge: Announced in 2023, this competition seeks innovative solutions to address the challenges faced by India's elderly population. The winning solutions could lead to new products, services, or policies that benefit seniors. More information available here
Helpful Resources:
Elderline Mobile App: In addition to the helpline, a mobile app provides information and resources on various topics relevant to elders.
EPASS (Elder Persons Assistance Services Scheme): This scheme provides trained volunteers to assist elders with daily tasks like running errands, accessing services, and navigating paperwork. Check with your local authorities for availability.
Senior Citizen Cards: Several states offer senior citizen cards that provide discounts on transportation, utilities, and other services.
Empowering Ourselves:
Knowledge is power. Familiarize yourself and your loved ones with the available schemes, eligibility criteria, and application procedures. Don't hesitate to seek help from local authorities, NGOs, or community organizations for assistance. Remember, even small steps can make a big difference.
Familiarize yourself and loved ones with available schemes and resources.
Maintain accurate medical records for smooth claim processing.
Seek preventive care and regular health checkups.
Don't hesitate to utilize support systems and seek help when needed.
**Together, we can build a brighter future for India's elders, transforming the silver tsunami into a wave of well-being and respect.
Additional Resources:
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment:
National Institute of Social Defence:
HelpAge India:
Remember, you are not alone. Together, we can build a brighter future for India's elders.
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