Homeopathy is a natural form of medicine that has been in use for over two centuries. It is based on the principle that like cures like - that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat those same symptoms in a sick person. Homeopathic medicines, also known as remedies, are made from natural sources such as plants, minerals, and animals, and are diluted to very low concentrations to make them safe and effective.
There are thousands of homeopathic remedies, each with its own unique healing properties. However, some remedies are used more frequently than others and are considered to be the most important or primary remedies. In this article, we will introduce you to 50 primary homeopathic medicines that you should know about. Whether you are new to homeopathy or have been using it for years, this guide will help you understand the basics of homeopathy and the essential remedies that can help you and your family stay healthy naturally.
1. Injuries - Arnica
2. Sudden onset of illness - Aconite
3. Throat irritation from fish bones - Silica 200
4. Cut from sharp objects - Staphysagria
5. Insect bites - Ledum Pal 200
6. Excessive sneezing - Natrum Mur 30
7. Motion sickness - Cocculus Ind
8. Stuffy nose during sleep - Opium
9. Insomnia - Opium
10. Harmful effects of excessive reading - Ferrum Phos 3x
11. Irritation or swelling in eyes - Staphysagria
12. General pain relief - Mag phos 6x
13. To improve appetite and strength - Nux Vom Q
14. Loss of appetite - Amloki Q
15. Bleeding from any part of the body - Calendula Q (external use only)
16. Illness due to rain or wet weather - Rhus Tox
17. Stomach flu - Merc Sol
18. Bloody diarrhea - Merc Cor
19. Bleeding with dark or clotted blood - Sinaberis
20. Severe cold or cough - Arsenic 30, Myrica Q
21. If unsure about which remedy to use - Nux Vom 30
22. Restlessness or discomfort - Rhus Tox
23. Stillness or no movement - Bryonia Alb
24. Cantharis for suppression of Kamripu in school college/unmarried youth
25. If the voice of the singer/speaker is broken-Custicum/Arg Nit
26. Anacardium for loss of memory
27. - Camomila in any disease of irritable temper
28. In any disease or problem due to fire, heat and sun-Glonoine
29. For Syphilis patients- Syphillinum-10m
30. When kids pee on the bed-Cina
31. Bee Sting Futale-Apis Mel
32. Causticum if tongue burns/problem after consuming lime
33. Backache-Lycopodium
34. Conium for neck pain
35. If any foul-smelling discharge—Achinesia
36. Gynocardium Q for Psoriasis
37. Vomits what is eaten, no food is digested-Symphoricur pus 30
38. For headache or any brain problem - Kali Phos 6x
39. Sipia 200 in women with prolapsed uterus
40. Colophylom Q if lower abdominal pain in women
41. Urinary incontinence-Causticum 200
42. Pulsitilla if sick after eating rich food
43. -Guacum for any rheumatism
44. If the body lacks calcium-Calcaria phos-6x
45. If the body lacks iron-Ferum phos-6x
46. If the body needs a multivitamin - Five Phos
47. Headache in students when reading - Calcaria phos
48. If the word “if” is in the patient's words - Arg Nit 200
49. In any disease inside the mouth and throat - Marc Sol
50. Medicine for Dengue and Chikungunya – Eupatorium Perfoliatum
51. Crataegus Oxyacanth is a great medicine for heart disease.
52. "Gas problem"----carboveg 30
53. For warts - Thuja mother. Causticum 30
54. Liver problems - cheledonium mother.
55. To reduce excess acid - Irish medicine
- 30
56. Migraine problem on the left side – Spillageia 30
57. Sancan 30 in right migraine problem
58. Tellurium 30, Grafitish ointment for ringworm
Enlargement of liver - cheledonium mother
59. Rush tox 30 for spasm pain
60. Wisdom teeth association Merc sol 30
61. Thin toilet (comes and goes)
pulsatila 30 (one spoon dissolved in water half an hour / hourly)
Normal influenza Aconite 30
62. Beledona 30 for cold and fever
63. Vanadium 30, yarbasanta mother (used in special cases) if breathing is very difficult.
64. Old wounds--argenticum
Nitricum 30
65. Back and loin pain-Lycopodium 30
66. When the leg is pulled or a vein becomes stiff --- such carb 30
67. Ghamachi hole---Artica urens 3x. Anthem crude 30
68. Gastric ulcer Acid carbolic 30, Argenticum nitricum 30, Cali Bycrom 30
Please note that these remedies should not be used without proper consultation with a licensed homeopathic practitioner.
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The statement emphasizes the importance of seeking professional guidance from a licensed homeopathic practitioner before using any of the remedies mentioned. While homeopathy is generally considered safe, it is a complex medical system that requires a thorough understanding of a patient's symptoms and medical history for effective treatment. Self-treatment can result in ineffective or even harmful results. Therefore, it is crucial to consult with a licensed practitioner who can provide individualized recommendations and supervise treatment progress.
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