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Shreshtha Netra Chilitsalaya in RANCHI, Jharkhand
Experienced Team: Our team of 4 dedicated professionals, including surgeons and specialists, provides personalized treatment plans and compassionate care.
Advanced Facilities: Equipped with 5 beds and state-of-the-art technology, we ensure a comfortable and efficient patient experience.
Streamlined Processes: Benefit from our efficient admissions process (avg. 2-3 Hrs), swift discharges (avg. N/A), and predictable hospital stays (avg. N/A for non-surgical and 1 for surgical procedures).
Disclaimer: While we strive to provide the most accurate information, hospital details may not always be up-to-date. It is recommended to visit the hospital website for the latest information. This information is for educational purposes only and should not be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any decisions about your health.
Shreshtha Netra Chilitsalaya
RANCHI, Jharkhand
No. of Beds: 5
Total Doctors: 2
Total Surgeon: 2
Total Nurses: 2
ICU Beds: 2
Average admission Time: 2-3 Hrs
Average stay in Hospital (Surgical) : 1
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