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Disease Insights: lymphedema

Welcome to the ultimate guide on lymphedema. Here, you'll find answers to the most common questions to help you or your loved ones understand and manage this condition better.

Description for lymphedema

Swelling caused by a blockage in the lymphatic system, often affecting the arms or legs.

Symptoms of lymphedema

heavy feeling in limbs, increased skin tension, pain, reduced range of motion, swelling in limbs

Precautions for lymphedema

Wear compression garments as prescri, Elevate affected limbs, Practice gentle exercise to improve ci, Monitor for signs of infection

Questions Covered:

  • what is lymphedema?
  • causes of lymphedema?
  • What are the usual symptoms of lymphedema?
  • How do doctors usually figure out if someone has lymphedema, diagnosis?
  • What are the possible complications that could arise from lymphedema?


Question: what is lymphedema?

Lymphangitis is an inflammation of the lymphatic system. If it's treated quickly, it often goes away with no ill effects. If left untreated, complications can occur, and the condition can become serious.
Your lymphatic system is a network of organs, cells, ducts, and glands. The glands are also called nodes and can be found throughout your body. They are most apparent under your jaw, in your armpits, and in your groin.
Organs that make up the lymphatic system include your:
Immune cells called lymphocytes mature within your bone marrow and then travel to your lymph nodes and other organs within the lymphatic system to help protect your body against viruses and bacteria. The lymphatic system also filters a whitish-clear fluid called lymph, which contains bacteria-killing white blood cells.
Lymph travels through your body along lymphatic vessels and collects fats, bacteria, and other waste products from cells and tissues. Your lymph nodes then filter these harmful materials out of the fluid and produce more white blood cells to fight off the infection.
Infectious lymphangitis occurs when viruses and bacteria invade the vessels of your lymphatic system, typically through an infected cut or wound. Tender red streaks often radiate from the wound toward the nearest lymph glands. Other symptoms include fever, chills, and a general sense of illness.
Lymphangitis is sometimes incorrectly called blood poisoning. It's also sometimes mistaken for thrombophlebitis, which is a clot in a vein.

Question: causes of lymphedema?

Infectious lymphangitis occurs when bacteria or viruses enter the lymphatic channels. They may enter through a cut or wound, or they may grow from an existing infection.
The most common infectious cause of lymphangitis is acute streptococcal infection. It may also be the result of a staphylococcal (staph) infection. Both of these are bacterial infections.
Lymphangitis may occur if you already have a skin infection and it's getting worse. This might mean that bacteria will soon enter your bloodstream. Complications such as sepsis, a life-threatening condition of body-wide inflammation, can occur as a result.
Conditions that increase your risk of lymphangitis include:
immunodeficiency, or loss of immune function
chronic steroid use
A cat or dog bite or a wound made in fresh water can also become infected and lead to lymphangitis. Gardeners and farmers may develop the condition if they get sporotrichosis, a soil-borne fungal infection.
There are also noninfectious causes of lymphangitis. Inflammation of lymph vessels can occur due to malignancy: Breast, lung, stomach, pancreas, rectal, and prostate cancers are common types of tumors that can lead to lymphangitis. Lymphangitis has also been seen in those with Crohn's disease.

Question: What are the usual symptoms of lymphedema?

Red streaks often trace the surface of the skin from the infected area to the nearest lymph gland. They may be faint or very visible and tender to the touch. They may extend from a wound or cut. In some cases, the streaks may blister.
Other symptoms include:
swollen lymph glands
malaise, or a general ill feeling
loss of appetite
aching muscles

Question: How do doctors usually figure out if someone has lymphedema, diagnosis?

To diagnose lymphangitis, your doctor will perform a physical exam. They'll feel your lymph nodes to check for swelling.
Your doctor may also order tests such as a biopsy to reveal the cause of the swelling or a blood culture to see if the infection is present in your blood.

Question: What are the possible complications that could arise from lymphedema?

Lymphangitis can spread quickly, leading to complications such as:
cellulitis, a skin infection
bacteremia, or bacteria in your blood
sepsis, a body-wide infection that's life-threatening
abscess, a painful collection of pus that's usually accompanied by swelling and inflammation
If bacteria enter your bloodstream, the condition can be life-threatening. Visit your healthcare provider immediately if you experience any of the following:
increasing pain or redness at the site of the infection
growing red streaks
pus or fluid coming from the lymph node
fever over 101'F (38.3'C) for more than two days
Take antibiotics as prescribed to help prevent complications. Don't miss a dose, especially in the first few days of treatment.

Conclusion & Takeaways

Learning about lymphedema is the first step toward taking control of your health. By understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatments, you empower yourself to make informed decisions. Remember to consult healthcare professionals for personalized advice and support.