Thyroid Surgery details and Cost in India

The procedure starts at the cost of ₹ 75,000

Thyroid Surgery:
Description: Thyroid surgery, also known as thyroidectomy, is a surgical procedure used to treat thyroid disorders, such as thyroid cancer, hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), or large goiters (enlarged thyroid). The surgery involves the removal of part or all of the thyroid gland, located in the neck.
Types of Thyroid Surgery:
Total Thyroidectomy: Removal of the entire thyroid gland.
Partial Thyroidectomy: Removal of part of the thyroid gland, leaving some thyroid tissue intact.
Thyroid Lobectomy: Removal of one lobe of the thyroid gland.
Subtotal Thyroidectomy: Removal of most of the thyroid gland, leaving a small portion of thyroid tissue.
Anesthesia: The patient is given general anesthesia to make them unconscious during the surgery.
Incision: A small incision is made in the front of the neck, usually along a natural skin crease.
Gland Removal: The thyroid gland or part of it is carefully removed, taking care not to damage surrounding structures such as the parathyroid glands and nerves.
Closure: The incision is closed with sutures or surgical staples.
Indications for Thyroid Surgery:
Thyroid cancer
Large goiter causing symptoms such as difficulty breathing or swallowing
Hyperthyroidism that does not respond to other treatments
Suspicious nodules or tumors on the thyroid gland
Treatment of thyroid disorders
Removal of cancerous or suspicious thyroid nodules
Relief of symptoms such as difficulty swallowing or breathing
Risks and Complications:
Damage to the parathyroid glands or nerves in the neck
Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) if the entire thyroid gland is removed
Bleeding or infection at the surgical site
Hoarseness or voice changes due to damage to the laryngeal nerve
Recovery: Recovery from thyroid surgery depends on the extent of the surgery and the individual's overall health. Most people can resume normal activities within a few weeks.
Care and Maintenance:
Follow-up appointments with the healthcare provider to monitor thyroid function and adjust medication if needed.
Thyroid hormone replacement therapy may be necessary if the entire thyroid gland is removed.
Thyroid surgery is a common and effective treatment for thyroid disorders. It can improve symptoms and, in the case of thyroid cancer, remove cancerous tissue. It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of thyroid surgery with a healthcare provider to determine the best treatment option based on individual circumstances.

City-wise Cost Estimates


Minimum Cost: ₹ 75,000

Average Cost: ₹ 112,500

Maximum Cost: ₹ 150,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 75,000

Average Cost: ₹ 112,500

Maximum Cost: ₹ 150,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 75,000

Average Cost: ₹ 112,500

Maximum Cost: ₹ 150,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 56,250

Average Cost: ₹ 84,375

Maximum Cost: ₹ 112,500


Minimum Cost: ₹ 56,250

Average Cost: ₹ 84,375

Maximum Cost: ₹ 112,500


Minimum Cost: ₹ 56,250

Average Cost: ₹ 84,375

Maximum Cost: ₹ 112,500


Minimum Cost: ₹ 37,500

Average Cost: ₹ 56,250

Maximum Cost: ₹ 75,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 37,500

Average Cost: ₹ 56,250

Maximum Cost: ₹ 75,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 37,500

Average Cost: ₹ 56,250

Maximum Cost: ₹ 75,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 37,500

Average Cost: ₹ 56,250

Maximum Cost: ₹ 75,000

Comments: Removal of all or part of the thyroid gland.

Important Disclaimer Regarding Procedure Costs:

The information provided on this webpage regarding procedure costs is based on extensive research from trusted sources, including hospitals, health organizations, and other reliable channels. However, it's crucial to understand that actual costs can vary depending on several factors, including:

Location: Costs can differ significantly based on your geographical location.
Individual Needs: Your specific medical condition and required services can impact the total cost.
Facility: Costs may vary between different hospitals and clinics.
Insurance Coverage: Your insurance plan and coverage details will influence your out-of-pocket expenses.

For the most accurate and up-to-date cost information, we strongly recommend that you:

Visit the hospital or clinic's website: Many healthcare providers list estimated costs for procedures on their websites.
Contact the hospital or clinic directly: Speak with a representative from the billing department to get a personalized quote for your specific situation.

We strive to provide the most accurate and helpful information possible. However, this disclaimer emphasizes the importance of verifying cost details directly with healthcare providers before making any decisions.