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Disease Insights: coronary-artery-disease

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Questions Covered:

  • what is coronary artery disease?
  • What are the usual symptoms of coronary artery disease?
  • causes of coronary artery disease?
  • What are the potential risk factors associated with coronary artery disease?
  • How do doctors usually figure out if someone has coronary artery disease, diagnosis?
  • How do doctors usually treat coronary artery disease?


Question: what is coronary artery disease?

Coronary artery disease is the most common form of heart disease. It happens when something, like plaque buildup, reduces blood flow to the heart. It can increase your risk of heart attack.
Coronary artery disease (CAD) causes impaired blood flow in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Also called coronary heart disease (CHD), CAD is the most common form of heart disease and affects approximately 16.5 million
Americans over the age of 20.
It's also the leading ca
use of death
for both men and women in the United States. It's estimated that every 36 seconds
, someone in the United States has a heart attack.
A heart attack can come from uncontrolled CAD.

Question: What are the usual symptoms of coronary artery disease?

When your heart doesn't get enough arterial blood, you may experience a variety of symptoms. Angina (chest discomfort) is the most common symptom of CAD. Some people describe this discomfort as:
chest pain
These symptoms can also be mistaken for heartburn or indigestion.
Other symptoms of CAD include:
pain in the arms or shoulders
shortness of breath
You may experience more symptoms when your blood flow is more restricted. If a blockage cuts off blood flow completely or almost completely, your heart muscle will start to die if not restored. This is a heart attack.
Don't ignore any of these symptoms, especially if they are excruciating or last longer than five minutes. Immediate medical treatment is necessary.
Symptoms of CAD for women
Women may also experience the above symptoms, but they're also more likely to have:
back pain
jaw pain
shortness of breath without feeling chest pain
Men have a higher risk
of developing heart disease than women, however.
Due to decreased blood flow, your heart may also:
become weak
develop abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmia) or rates
fail to pump as much blood as your body needs
Your doctor will detect these heart abnormalities during diagnosis.

Question: causes of coronary artery disease?

The most common cause of CAD is a vascular injury with cholesterol plaque buildup in the arteries, known as atherosclerosis. Reduced blood flow occurs when one or more of these arteries becomes partially or completely blocked.
Other rare causes of damage or blockage to a coronary artery also limit blood flow to the heart.

Question: What are the potential risk factors associated with coronary artery disease?

Understanding the risk factors for CAD can help with your plan to prevent or decrease the likelihood of developing the disease.
Risk factors include:
high blood pressure
high blood cholesterol levels
tobacco smoking
insulin resistance/hyperglycemia/diabetes mellitus
unhealthy eating habits
obstructive sleep apnea
emotional stress
excessive alcohol consumption
history of preeclampsia during pregnancy
The risk for CAD also increases with age. Based on age alone as a risk factor, men have a greater risk for the disease beginning at age 45 and women have a greater risk beginning at age 55. The risk for coronary artery disease is also higher if you have a family history of the disease.

Question: How do doctors usually figure out if someone has coronary artery disease, diagnosis?

Diagnosing CAD requires a review of your medical history, a physical examination, and other medical testing. These tests include:
Electrocardiogram: This test monitors electrical signals that travel through your heart. It may help your doctor determine whether you've had a heart attack.
Echocardiogram: This imaging test uses ultrasound waves to create a picture of your heart. The results of this test reveal whether certain things in your heart are functioning properly.
Stress test: This particular test measures the stress on your heart during physical activity and while at rest. The test monitors your heart's electrical activity while you walk on a treadmill or ride a stationary bike. Nuclear imaging or echocardiographic imaging may also be performed for a portion of this test. For those unable to perform physical exercise, certain medications can be used instead for stress testing.
Cardiac catheterization (left heart catheterization): During this procedure, your doctor injects a special dye into your coronary arteries through a catheter inserted through an artery in your groin or wrist. The dye helps enhance the radiographic image of your coronary arteries to identify any blockages.
Heart CT scan: Your doctor may use this imaging test to check for calcium deposits in your arteries.

Question: How do doctors usually treat coronary artery disease?

It's important to reduce or control your risk factors and seek treatment to lower the chance of a heart attack or stroke if you're diagnosed with CAD.
Treatment also depends on your current health condition, risk factors, and overall wellbeing. For example, your doctor may prescribe medication therapy to treat high cholesterol or high blood pressure, or you may receive medication to control blood sugar if you have diabetes.
Medications are the most common treatment for CAD. Learn more here.
Lifestyle changes can also reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. For example:
quit smoking tobacco
reduce or stop your consumption of alcohol
exercise regularly
lose weight to a healthy level
eat a healthy diet (low in saturated fat, sodium, and added sugar)
If your condition doesn't improve with lifestyle changes and medication, your doctor may recommend a procedure to increase blood flow to your heart. These procedures may be:
balloon angioplasty: to widen blocked arteries and smoosh down the plaque buildup, usually performed with insertion of a stent to help keep the lumen open after the procedure
coronary artery bypass graft surgery: to restore blood flow to the heart in open chest surgery
enhanced external counterpulsation: to stimulate the formation of new small blood vessels to naturally bypass clogged arteries in a noninvasive procedure

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Conclusion & Takeaways

Learning about is the first step toward taking control of your health. By understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatments, you empower yourself to make informed decisions. Remember to consult healthcare professionals for personalized advice and support.