Liver Transplant details and Cost in India

The procedure starts at the cost of ₹ 2,000,000

Liver transplant surgery is a procedure used to replace a diseased or damaged liver with a healthy liver from a donor. Liver transplant is typically considered for patients with end-stage liver disease or acute liver failure that cannot be treated with other medical or surgical interventions.
During a liver transplant, the diseased liver is removed through a surgical incision in the abdomen, and the healthy donor liver is implanted and connected to the blood vessels and bile ducts. The surgery can take several hours, and the patient may need to stay in the hospital for several days or weeks after the procedure.
Liver transplant is considered for patients with severe liver disease or liver failure, which may be caused by conditions such as cirrhosis, hepatitis B or C, alcoholic liver disease, autoimmune liver diseases, or genetic liver disorders.
Benefits of Surgery:
The main benefit of liver transplant surgery is to extend the life of patients with end-stage liver disease and improve their quality of life. Liver transplant can also cure certain liver diseases, such as certain types of liver cancer, by removing the diseased liver.
Liver transplant surgery carries some risks, including bleeding, infection, rejection of the donor liver, and complications related to anesthesia. Patients who undergo liver transplant require lifelong immunosuppressive medications to prevent rejection of the donor liver, which can increase the risk of infections and other complications.
There are no specific measures to prevent the need for liver transplant, as liver disease can have various causes. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly, can help reduce the risk of liver disease.
When Surgery is Needed:
Liver transplant is considered when other treatments for liver disease, such as medication, dietary changes, or surgical interventions, have not been effective in managing the condition. Your healthcare provider will determine if liver transplant is appropriate based on your symptoms, medical history, and the extent of liver damage.
Before Surgery:
Before liver transplant surgery, you will undergo a comprehensive evaluation, including blood tests, imaging tests, and psychological evaluation, to assess your overall health and fitness for surgery. You may also be placed on a waiting list for a donor liver, which can take several months to years.
After Surgery:
After liver transplant surgery, you will need to take immunosuppressive medications to prevent rejection of the donor liver. You will also need regular follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider to monitor your liver function and adjust your medications as needed.
Medications prescribed after liver transplant surgery may include immunosuppressive medications, antibiotics to prevent infections, and medications to manage other conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes. It's important to take these medications as directed and to follow your healthcare provider's instructions for post-operative care.
Liver transplant surgery is a complex procedure that can provide a new lease on life for patients with end-stage liver disease. It's important to discuss the risks and benefits of liver transplant with your healthcare provider and to carefully consider all options before making a decision.

City-wise Cost Estimates


Minimum Cost: ₹ 2,000,000

Average Cost: ₹ 2,500,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 3,000,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 2,000,000

Average Cost: ₹ 2,500,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 3,000,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 2,000,000

Average Cost: ₹ 2,500,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 3,000,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 1,500,000

Average Cost: ₹ 1,875,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 2,250,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 1,500,000

Average Cost: ₹ 1,875,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 2,250,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 1,500,000

Average Cost: ₹ 1,875,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 2,250,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 1,000,000

Average Cost: ₹ 1,250,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 1,500,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 1,000,000

Average Cost: ₹ 1,250,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 1,500,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 1,000,000

Average Cost: ₹ 1,250,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 1,500,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 1,000,000

Average Cost: ₹ 1,250,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 1,500,000


Important Disclaimer Regarding Procedure Costs:

The information provided on this webpage regarding procedure costs is based on extensive research from trusted sources, including hospitals, health organizations, and other reliable channels. However, it's crucial to understand that actual costs can vary depending on several factors, including:

Location: Costs can differ significantly based on your geographical location.
Individual Needs: Your specific medical condition and required services can impact the total cost.
Facility: Costs may vary between different hospitals and clinics.
Insurance Coverage: Your insurance plan and coverage details will influence your out-of-pocket expenses.

For the most accurate and up-to-date cost information, we strongly recommend that you:

Visit the hospital or clinic's website: Many healthcare providers list estimated costs for procedures on their websites.
Contact the hospital or clinic directly: Speak with a representative from the billing department to get a personalized quote for your specific situation.

We strive to provide the most accurate and helpful information possible. However, this disclaimer emphasizes the importance of verifying cost details directly with healthcare providers before making any decisions.