Circumcision details and Cost in India

The procedure starts at the cost of ₹ 5,000

Circumcision is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the foreskin, the retractable fold of skin that covers the head of the penis. It is a common procedure performed for cultural, religious, or medical reasons.
During circumcision, the foreskin is carefully removed using a surgical instrument. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia to minimize pain. In some cases, it may be done under general anesthesia, especially in infants.
Circumcision may be recommended for various reasons, including religious or cultural beliefs, personal hygiene, and medical conditions such as phimosis (tight foreskin) or recurrent balanitis (inflammation of the foreskin).
Benefits of Surgery:
Benefits of circumcision may include a reduced risk of urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and penile cancer. It may also make personal hygiene easier and reduce the risk of certain inflammatory conditions of the penis.
While circumcision is generally considered safe, it carries some risks, including bleeding, infection, and an adverse reaction to anesthesia. In rare cases, complications such as excessive bleeding, damage to the penis, or infection of the surgical site may occur.
There is no guaranteed way to prevent the need for circumcision, as it may be recommended for various reasons. However, practicing good personal hygiene and seeking prompt medical attention for any penile issues may help reduce the risk of certain conditions that may require circumcision.
When Surgery is Needed:
Circumcision is a personal decision and may be performed for religious, cultural, or medical reasons. It is typically performed in newborn males for cultural or religious reasons or later in life for medical indications.
Before and After Surgery:
Before circumcision, the doctor will explain the procedure, discuss any risks or benefits, and answer any questions. After surgery, it is important to follow post-operative care instructions to prevent infection and promote healing.
Medications prescribed before and after circumcision may include pain relievers and antibiotics to manage pain and reduce the risk of infection.
Circumcision is a personal choice that should be made based on individual circumstances and preferences. It is important to discuss the procedure with a healthcare provider to understand the risks and benefits and make an informed decision.

City-wise Cost Estimates


Minimum Cost: ₹ 5,000

Average Cost: ₹ 12,500

Maximum Cost: ₹ 20,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 5,000

Average Cost: ₹ 12,500

Maximum Cost: ₹ 20,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 5,000

Average Cost: ₹ 12,500

Maximum Cost: ₹ 20,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 3,750

Average Cost: ₹ 9,375

Maximum Cost: ₹ 15,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 3,750

Average Cost: ₹ 9,375

Maximum Cost: ₹ 15,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 3,750

Average Cost: ₹ 9,375

Maximum Cost: ₹ 15,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 2,500

Average Cost: ₹ 6,250

Maximum Cost: ₹ 10,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 2,500

Average Cost: ₹ 6,250

Maximum Cost: ₹ 10,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 2,500

Average Cost: ₹ 6,250

Maximum Cost: ₹ 10,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 2,500

Average Cost: ₹ 6,250

Maximum Cost: ₹ 10,000


Important Disclaimer Regarding Procedure Costs:

The information provided on this webpage regarding procedure costs is based on extensive research from trusted sources, including hospitals, health organizations, and other reliable channels. However, it's crucial to understand that actual costs can vary depending on several factors, including:

Location: Costs can differ significantly based on your geographical location.
Individual Needs: Your specific medical condition and required services can impact the total cost.
Facility: Costs may vary between different hospitals and clinics.
Insurance Coverage: Your insurance plan and coverage details will influence your out-of-pocket expenses.

For the most accurate and up-to-date cost information, we strongly recommend that you:

Visit the hospital or clinic's website: Many healthcare providers list estimated costs for procedures on their websites.
Contact the hospital or clinic directly: Speak with a representative from the billing department to get a personalized quote for your specific situation.

We strive to provide the most accurate and helpful information possible. However, this disclaimer emphasizes the importance of verifying cost details directly with healthcare providers before making any decisions.