Cervical Cerclage details and Cost in India

The procedure starts at the cost of ₹ 20,000

Cervical cerclage is a surgical procedure in which the cervix is stitched closed to help prevent premature birth or miscarriage in women who are at risk of cervical incompetence (also known as cervical insufficiency). Cervical incompetence is a condition in which the cervix opens too early during pregnancy, increasing the risk of premature birth or miscarriage.
Cervical cerclage is usually performed under either local or general anesthesia. During the procedure, the cervix is carefully stitched closed using strong sutures. The cerclage is typically placed early in the second trimester of pregnancy and removed near the end of the pregnancy to allow for a normal vaginal delivery.
Cervical cerclage may be recommended for women who have a history of premature birth or late miscarriage, or who have been diagnosed with cervical incompetence. Symptoms of cervical incompetence may include painless cervical dilation in the second trimester of pregnancy.
Benefits of Surgery:
The main benefit of cervical cerclage is that it helps to strengthen and support the cervix, reducing the risk of premature birth or miscarriage in women at risk of cervical incompetence. It can help to prolong pregnancy and improve the chances of a successful outcome for both mother and baby.
While cervical cerclage is generally considered safe, it does carry some risks, including infection, bleeding, and premature rupture of membranes. In some cases, the cerclage may need to be removed early due to complications or signs of preterm labor.
There are no guaranteed ways to prevent cervical incompetence, but certain factors may increase the risk, such as a history of cervical surgery or trauma. Avoiding these risk factors and receiving regular prenatal care may help reduce the risk of cervical incompetence.
When Surgery is Needed:
Cervical cerclage is typically recommended for women who have a history of premature birth or late miscarriage, or who have been diagnosed with cervical incompetence. Your healthcare provider will determine if cervical cerclage is necessary based on your individual risk factors and medical history.
Before and After Surgery:
Before cervical cerclage, your healthcare provider will perform a thorough evaluation to assess your risk factors and determine if the procedure is appropriate for you. After surgery, you may need to take precautions to avoid infection and monitor for signs of preterm labor.
Medications prescribed before and after cervical cerclage may include antibiotics to prevent infection and medications to help prevent preterm labor, if necessary.
Cervical cerclage can be an effective treatment for preventing premature birth or miscarriage in women at risk of cervical incompetence. It's important to discuss the risks and benefits of cervical cerclage with your healthcare provider to determine if it's the right option for you.

City-wise Cost Estimates


Minimum Cost: ₹ 20,000

Average Cost: ₹ 50,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 80,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 20,000

Average Cost: ₹ 50,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 80,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 20,000

Average Cost: ₹ 50,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 80,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 15,000

Average Cost: ₹ 37,500

Maximum Cost: ₹ 60,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 15,000

Average Cost: ₹ 37,500

Maximum Cost: ₹ 60,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 15,000

Average Cost: ₹ 37,500

Maximum Cost: ₹ 60,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 10,000

Average Cost: ₹ 25,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 40,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 10,000

Average Cost: ₹ 25,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 40,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 10,000

Average Cost: ₹ 25,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 40,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 10,000

Average Cost: ₹ 25,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 40,000


Important Disclaimer Regarding Procedure Costs:

The information provided on this webpage regarding procedure costs is based on extensive research from trusted sources, including hospitals, health organizations, and other reliable channels. However, it's crucial to understand that actual costs can vary depending on several factors, including:

Location: Costs can differ significantly based on your geographical location.
Individual Needs: Your specific medical condition and required services can impact the total cost.
Facility: Costs may vary between different hospitals and clinics.
Insurance Coverage: Your insurance plan and coverage details will influence your out-of-pocket expenses.

For the most accurate and up-to-date cost information, we strongly recommend that you:

Visit the hospital or clinic's website: Many healthcare providers list estimated costs for procedures on their websites.
Contact the hospital or clinic directly: Speak with a representative from the billing department to get a personalized quote for your specific situation.

We strive to provide the most accurate and helpful information possible. However, this disclaimer emphasizes the importance of verifying cost details directly with healthcare providers before making any decisions.