2024-02-28 12:07 watchdoq
To make an appointment at Tata Medical Center in Kolkata, you can: Call (033) 6605 7222 Email [email protected] Patients can also see a doctor without an appointment if there is a time slot available in the outpatient clinic. Patients should bring the following to their appointment: All relevant medical documents, including reports, X-ray plates, pathology slides and blocks A referral letter from their doctor A responsible person who can help with hospital formalities and decisions New patients can send in their reports or discharge summaries to get an appointment scheduled by sending them to the new Whatsapp number 9147339399. For more details please visit: [hidden]

2023-10-10 06:51 SAIRAJU
What is the procedure for the admission in TATA MEDICAL CENTRE KOLKATA? I have my relative in Kolkata, so I choose to go to Kolkata in stead of Mumbai. Can any one please help me to understand the procedure and the cost for liver cancer? Thanks in advance.

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