I’ve never been that sociable but thought it was because I’m an introvert. Then I learned I have a rare type of hearing loss | Rachael Groessler

I’ve never been that sociable but thought it was because I’m an introvert. Then I learned I have a rare type of hearing loss | Rachael Groessler

Watchdoq March 3, 2025
The diagnosis blindsided me but it explains why I feel the need to shout to be heard over background noiseYes, I frequently asked people to repeat themselves. Yes, I had trouble hearing dialogue on TV. And I often wondered if people were aware that they mumbled. That wasn’t the impetus to get my hearing checked though. What got me to the doctor was that I was having trouble eavesdropping at work. I was sure there had been a time when I could hear conversations that didn’t concern me.Even though I had made the appointment, I figured it was sinus trouble or perhaps my ears needed syringing. But my GP said my ears were clear and didn’t even mention my sinuses. Instead she did a simple hearing test that involved rustling some paper in one ear while whispering in another. She asked me to repeat what she had whispered and I think I replied: “Did you say something?” I left with a referral to an audiologist.Rachael Groessler is a freelance content and copywriter from Brisbane Continue reading...

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