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Healthcare Questions

Category: Respiratory-Health

Summary : It seems to happen almost every day - you hear about the results of a new medical research study. Sometimes the results of one study seem to disagree with the results of another study. It's important to be critical when reading or listening to reports of new medical findings. Some questions that can help you evaluate health information include: - Was the study in animals or people? - Does the study include people like you? - How big was the study? - Was it a randomized controlled clinical trial? - Where was the research done? - If a new treatment was being tested, were there side effects? - Who paid for the research? - Who is reporting the results? NIH: National Institutes of Health
On this Page General Information What is vancomycin-resistant enterococci? What types of infections does vancomycin-resistant enterococci cause? Are certain people at risk of getting vancomycin-resistant enterococci? What is the treatment for vancomycin-resistant enterococci? How is vancomycin-resistant enterococci spread? How can patients prevent the spread of vancomycin-resistant enterococci? What should a patient do if they think they have vancomycin-resistant enterococci? Recommendations and Guidelines General Information For more images of this bacterium, search the Public Health Image Library What is vancomycin-resistant enterococci? Enteroccocci are bacteria that are normally present in the human intestines and in the female genital tract and are often found in the environment. These bacteria can sometimes cause infections. Vancomycin is an antibiotic that is used to treat some drug-resistant infections caused by enterococci. In some instances, enterococci have become resistant to this drug and thus are called vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE). Most VRE infections occur in hospitals. Top of page What types of infections does VRE cause? VRE can live in the human intestines and female genital tract without causing disease (often called colonization). However, sometimes it can cause infections of the urinary tract, the bloodstream, or of wounds associated with catheters or surgical procedures. Top of page Are certain people at risk of getting VRE? The following persons are at increased risk becoming infected with VRE: People who have been previously treated with the antibiotic vancomycin or other antibiotics for long periods of time. People who are hospitalized, particularly when they receive antibiotic treatment for long periods of time. People with weakened immune systems such as patients in intensive care units, or in cancer or transplant wards. People who have undergone surgical procedures such as abdominal or chest surgery. People with medical devices that stay in for some time such as urinary catheters or central intravenous (IV) catheters. People who are colonized with VRE. Top of page What is the treatment for VRE? People with colonized VRE (bacteria are present, but have no symptoms of an infection) do not need treatment. Most VRE infections can be treated with antibiotics other than vancomycin. Laboratory testing of the VRE can determine which antibiotics will work. For people who get VRE infections in their bladder and have urinary catheters, removal of the catheter when it is no longer needed can also help get rid of the infection. Top of page How is VRE spread? VRE is often passed from person to person by the contaminated hands of caregivers. VRE can get onto a caregiver's hands after they have contact with other people with VRE or after contact with contaminated surfaces. VRE can also be spread directly to people after they touch surfaces that are contaminated with VRE. VRE is not spread through the air by coughing or sneezing. Top of page How can patients prevent the spread of VRE? If a patient or someone in their household has VRE, the following are some things they can do to prevent the spread of VRE: Keep their hands clean. Always wash their hands thoroughly after using the bathroom and before preparing food. Clean their hands after contact with persons who have VRE. Wash with soap and water (particularly when visibly soiled) or use alcohol-based hand rubs. Frequently clean areas of the home, such as bathrooms, that may become contaminated with VRE. Wear gloves if hands may come in contact with body fluids that may contain VRE, such as stool or bandages from infected wounds. Always wash their hands after removing gloves. If someone has VRE, be sure to tell healthcare providers so that they are aware of the infection. Healthcare facilities use special precautions to help prevent the spread of VRE to others. Top of page What should patients do if they think they have vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE)? Anyone who thinks they have VRE must talk with their healthcare provider. Top of page Recommendations and Guidelines For more information about prevention and treatment of HAIs, see the resources below: Siegel JD, Rhinehart E, Jackson M, et al. The Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC). Management of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms In Healthcare Settings, 2006
On this Page General Information What is vancomycin-resistant enterococci? What types of infections does vancomycin-resistant enterococci cause? Are certain people at risk of getting vancomycin-resistant enterococci? What is the treatment for vancomycin-resistant enterococci? How is vancomycin-resistant enterococci spread? How can patients prevent the spread of vancomycin-resistant enterococci? What should a patient do if they think they have vancomycin-resistant enterococci? Recommendations and Guidelines General Information For more images of this bacterium, search the Public Health Image Library What is vancomycin-resistant enterococci? Enteroccocci are bacteria that are normally present in the human intestines and in the female genital tract and are often found in the environment. These bacteria can sometimes cause infections. Vancomycin is an antibiotic that is used to treat some drug-resistant infections caused by enterococci. In some instances, enterococci have become resistant to this drug and thus are called vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE). Most VRE infections occur in hospitals. Top of page What types of infections does VRE cause? VRE can live in the human intestines and female genital tract without causing disease (often called colonization). However, sometimes it can cause infections of the urinary tract, the bloodstream, or of wounds associated with catheters or surgical procedures. Top of page Are certain people at risk of getting VRE? The following persons are at increased risk becoming infected with VRE: People who have been previously treated with the antibiotic vancomycin or other antibiotics for long periods of time. People who are hospitalized, particularly when they receive antibiotic treatment for long periods of time. People with weakened immune systems such as patients in intensive care units, or in cancer or transplant wards. People who have undergone surgical procedures such as abdominal or chest surgery. People with medical devices that stay in for some time such as urinary catheters or central intravenous (IV) catheters. People who are colonized with VRE. Top of page What is the treatment for VRE? People with colonized VRE (bacteria are present, but have no symptoms of an infection) do not need treatment. Most VRE infections can be treated with antibiotics other than vancomycin. Laboratory testing of the VRE can determine which antibiotics will work. For people who get VRE infections in their bladder and have urinary catheters, removal of the catheter when it is no longer needed can also help get rid of the infection. Top of page How is VRE spread? VRE is often passed from person to person by the contaminated hands of caregivers. VRE can get onto a caregiver's hands after they have contact with other people with VRE or after contact with contaminated surfaces. VRE can also be spread directly to people after they touch surfaces that are contaminated with VRE. VRE is not spread through the air by coughing or sneezing. Top of page How can patients prevent the spread of VRE? If a patient or someone in their household has VRE, the following are some things they can do to prevent the spread of VRE: Keep their hands clean. Always wash their hands thoroughly after using the bathroom and before preparing food. Clean their hands after contact with persons who have VRE. Wash with soap and water (particularly when visibly soiled) or use alcohol-based hand rubs. Frequently clean areas of the home, such as bathrooms, that may become contaminated with VRE. Wear gloves if hands may come in contact with body fluids that may contain VRE, such as stool or bandages from infected wounds. Always wash their hands after removing gloves. If someone has VRE, be sure to tell healthcare providers so that they are aware of the infection. Healthcare facilities use special precautions to help prevent the spread of VRE to others. Top of page What should patients do if they think they have vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE)? Anyone who thinks they have VRE must talk with their healthcare provider. Top of page Recommendations and Guidelines For more information about prevention and treatment of HAIs, see the resources below: Siegel JD, Rhinehart E, Jackson M, et al. The Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC). Management of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms In Healthcare Settings, 2006
Signs and symptoms of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) usually occur at birth or within the first few hours that follow. They include: Rapid, shallow breathing Sharp pulling in of the chest below and between the ribs with each breath Grunting sounds Flaring of the nostrils The infant also may have pauses in breathing that last for a few seconds. This condition is called apnea (AP-ne-ah). Respiratory Distress Syndrome Complications Depending on the severity of an infant's RDS, he or she may develop other medical problems. Lung Complications Lung complications may include a collapsed lung (atelectasis), leakage of air from the lung into the chest cavity (pneumothorax), and bleeding in the lung (hemorrhage). Some of the life-saving treatments used for RDS may cause bronchopulmonary dysplasia, another breathing disorder. Blood and Blood Vessel Complications Infants who have RDS may develop sepsis, an infection of the bloodstream. This infection can be life threatening. Lack of oxygen may prevent a fetal blood vessel called the ductus arteriosus from closing after birth as it should. This condition is called patent ductus arteriosus, or PDA. The ductus arteriosus connects a lung artery to a heart artery. If it remains open, it can strain the heart and increase blood pressure in the lung arteries. Other Complications Complications of RDS also may include blindness and other eye problems and a bowel disease called necrotizing enterocolitis (EN-ter-o-ko-LI-tis). Infants who have severe RDS can develop kidney failure. Some infants who have RDS develop bleeding in the brain. This bleeding can delay mental development. It also can cause mental retardation or cerebral palsy.