Neurologist in Vashi

Dr. Ganesh KiniMBBS, MD - Internal Medicine, DM - NeurologyConsultant - NeurologyFortis Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi Sushrut Hospital and Research Centre, Chembur Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital, Powai Sterling Wockhardt Hospital, Vashi
Dr. Kanhaiyalal TrivediMBBS, Fellowship, Fellowship - Clinical NeurophysiologyConsultant - NeurologySterling Wockhardt Hospital, Vashi
Dr. Neeraj JainMBBS, MD - Internal Medicine, DNB - Internal MedicineConsultant - NeurologyApollo Hospitals, Navi Mumbai Fortis Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi
Dr. Pawan OjhaMBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - NeurologyConsultant - NeurologyFortis Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi
Dr. RM PatankarMBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - NeurologyConsultant - NeurologyS L Raheja Hospital, Mahim Dr. Ramesh Patankar Clinic, Chembur MGM New Bombay Hospital, Vashi
Dr. Vidyadhar V BhedeMBBS, MD - NeurologyConsultant - NeurologyMGM New Bombay Hospital, Vashi

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