Homeopathy Medicines

Homeopathic Medicines

Acalypha Indica

Disease: Asthma

Symptoms: Cough with wheezing, worse at night; difficulty breathing, especially during expiration

Aconitum Napellus

Disease: Fever

Symptoms: Sudden onset of high fever with dry, hot skin; restlessness and anxiety

Actea racemosa

Disease: Menstrual disorders

Symptoms: Severe menstrual cramps with shooting pains in lower back and thighs

Aesculus hippocastanum

Disease: Hemorrhoids

Symptoms: Bulging, painful hemorrhoids with burning and itching; constipation

Agaricus muscarius

Disease: Neuralgia

Symptoms: Sharp, shooting pains along nerves; twitching or trembling muscles

Allium cepa

Disease: Allergies

Symptoms: Profuse, watery nasal discharge with burning and itching; sneezing

Aloe socotrina

Disease: Constipation

Symptoms: Constant urge to pass stool with incomplete evacuation; abdominal pain


Disease: Constipation

Symptoms: Dry, hard stools; straining during bowel movements; sensation of rectal blockage

Ammonium carbonicum

Disease: Indigestion

Symptoms: Bloating and belching after eating; sour taste in mouth; flatulence

Anacardium orientale

Disease: Memory loss

Symptoms: Forgetfulness and confusion; lack of self-confidence; digestive issues

Antimonium crudum

Disease: Indigestion

Symptoms: White-coated tongue; nausea and vomiting; aversion to food

Antimonium tartaricum

Disease: Pneumonia

Symptoms: Rattling cough with difficulty bringing up mucus; shortness of breath

Apis mellifica

Disease: Bites and stings

Symptoms: Swelling, redness, and stinging pain; relieved by cold applications

Argentum nitricum

Disease: Anxiety

Symptoms: Dizziness and trembling; fear of heights or narrow spaces; digestive issues

Arnica montana

Disease: Bruising

Symptoms: Trauma with bruising and soreness; feeling as if "beaten up"

Arsenicum album

Disease: Food poisoning

Symptoms: Vomiting and diarrhea with burning pains; anxiety and restlessness

Arsenicum iodatum

Disease: Thyroid disorders

Symptoms: Hyperthyroidism with weight loss, sweating, and anxiety

Avena sativa

Disease: Stress and insomnia

Symptoms: Physical and mental exhaustion; difficulty sleeping; nervousness

Aurum metallicum

Disease: Depression

Symptoms: Deep sadness with feelings of worthlessness; suicidal thoughts


Disease: Tuberculosis

Symptoms: Chronic cough with greenish-yellow sputum; night sweats; fatigue

Baptisia tinctoria

Disease: Flu

Symptoms: Fever with intense body aches; delirium and confusion; offensive breath

Baryta carbonica

Disease: Enlarged glands

Symptoms: Swollen tonsils and lymph nodes; slow physical and mental development

Baryta muriaticum

Disease: High blood pressure

Symptoms: Hypertension with dizziness and headaches; palpitations


Disease: Fever

Symptoms: Sudden onset of high fever with flushed face and dilated pupils; throbbing headache

Bellis perennis

Disease: Injuries

Symptoms: Deep muscle bruising with soreness; stiffness and pain in joints

Benzoic acid

Disease: Gout

Symptoms: Joint pain with swelling and stiffness; offensive urine odor

Berberis vulgaris

Disease: Kidney stones

Symptoms: Sharp, shooting pains in the back radiating to the groin; blood in urine

Blatta orientalis

Disease: Asthma

Symptoms: Shortness of breath with wheezing and rattling in chest; cough worse at night


Disease: Mouth ulcers

Symptoms: Painful mouth ulcers with burning sensation; aggravated by hot drinks


Disease: Hemorrhage

Symptoms: Profuse bleeding with dark, clotted blood; bruising and swelling


Disease: Eczema

Symptoms: Itchy, inflamed skin with eruptions that ooze and crust over; aggravated by warmth


Disease: Goiter

Symptoms: Enlarged thyroid gland with difficulty swallowing; tightness in throat

Bryonia alba

Disease: Joint pain

Symptoms: Stitching pains aggravated by movement; stiffness and swelling in joints

Carbo vegetabilis

Disease: Indigestion

Symptoms: Bloating and belching with sour regurgitation; flatulence and fatigue

Cactus grandiflorus

Disease: Heart conditions

Symptoms: Constriction and tightness in chest; palpitations with anxiety

Calcarea carbonica

Disease: Calcium deficiency

Symptoms: Slow development in children; weak bones and teeth; excess sweating

Calcarea fluorica

Disease: Varicose veins

Symptoms: Weak, dilated veins with a tendency to hemorrhage; hard, enlarged glands

Calcarea phosphoricum

Disease: Teething problems

Symptoms: Delayed teething with weak, brittle bones; slow growth

Calendula officinalis

Disease: Wound healing

Symptoms: Slow-healing wounds with inflammation and pus discharge

Cannabis indica

Disease: Insomnia

Symptoms: Sleeplessness with restless mind; vivid dreams; sensation of floating


Disease: Burns and scalds

Symptoms: Severe burning pain with blistering; intense thirst for cold drinks

Carduus marianus

Disease: Liver disorders

Symptoms: Abdominal pain and bloating; jaundice; sensitivity to touch


Disease: Genetic predispositions

Symptoms: Family history of cancer or other


Disease: Female reproductive disorders

Symptoms: Spastic labor pains with irregular contractions; infertility


Disease: Paralysis

Symptoms: Weakness and trembling in limbs; difficulty swallowing; urinary incontinence

Cephalandra indica

Disease: Diabetes

Symptoms: Excessive thirst and hunger; frequent urination; dry skin


Disease: Teething problems

Symptoms: Irritable, fretful babies with swollen, inflamed gums

Chelidonium majus

Disease: Migraine headaches

Symptoms: Throbbing pain on one side of the head, often with nausea and vomiting; sensitivity to light and sound

China officinalis

Disease: Weakness and exhaustion

Symptoms: General feeling of weakness and fatigue; aversion to exertion; profuse sweating

China arsenicosum

Disease: Indigestion

Symptoms: Vomiting and diarrhea with burning pains; weakness and prostration

China sulphurica

Disease: Skin conditions

Symptoms: Eczema with itching and burning; dry, cracked skin

Cicuta virosa

Disease: Seizures

Symptoms: Uncontrolled jerking movements; loss of consciousness; foaming at the mouth


Disease: Worms

Symptoms: Restlessness and irritability, especially at night; grinding teeth; anal itching

Cocculus indicus

Disease: Motion sickness

Symptoms: Nausea and vomiting; dizziness and vertigo; headache


Disease: Depression

Symptoms: Mental and physical exhaustion; apathy and lack of motivation

Coffea cruda

Disease: Sleeplessness

Symptoms: Excessive alertness and talkativeness; racing thoughts; inability to relax

Colchicum autumnale

Disease: Gout

Symptoms: Severe joint pain with swelling and redness; burning sensation; worse at night

Collinsonia canadensis

Disease: Pelvic pain

Symptoms: Pain and heaviness in the pelvis; menstrual cramps; premenstrual syndrome

Conium maculatum

Disease: Glandular swelling

Symptoms: Swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck; hard and painless


Disease: Colic

Symptoms: Severe cramping abdominal pain with sharp, cutting sensation; relieved by bending over

Crataegus oxyacantha

Disease: Heart conditions

Symptoms: Weakness and shortness of breath; palpitations; anxiety

Crotalus horridus

Disease: Sepsis

Symptoms: Rapidly worsening infection with chills, fever, and weakness; spreading redness and swelling at the site of infection

Cuprum metallicum

Disease: Menstrual cramps

Symptoms: Severe, spasmodic cramps with violent jerking; weakness and faintness

Digitalis purpurea

Disease: Heart failure

Symptoms: Difficulty breathing, especially when lying down; weakness and fatigue; swollen ankles

Dioscorea villosa

Disease: Menstrual cramps

Symptoms: Colicky, cramping pain in the lower abdomen before and during menstruation


Disease: Diphtheria

Symptoms: Sore throat with thick, gray membrane; difficulty swallowing; fever and weakness

Drosera rotundifolia

Disease: Cough

Symptoms: Dry, hacking cough with a burning sensation in the chest; worse at night and when talking


Disease: Colds and flu

Symptoms: Runny nose with thick, yellow mucus; chills and fever; sore throat

Equisetum hyemale

Disease: Weak bones and fractures

Symptoms: Slow healing of fractures; bone weakness and deformity

Formica rufa

Disease: Gout

Symptoms: Joint pain with swelling, redness, and burning sensation; worse at night

Eupatorium perfoliatum

Disease: Dengue fever

Symptoms: Severe bone and muscle aches; high fever; chills and sweats; nausea and vomiting

Euphrasia officinalis

Disease: Allergies

Symptoms: Eye irritation with redness, itching, and watering; burning sensation

Ferrum metallicum

Disease: Anemia

Symptoms: Pale skin and fatigue; shortness of breath on exertion; weakness

Fluoric acid

Disease: Tooth decay

Symptoms: Weak and brittle teeth; white spots on enamel

Gelsemium sempervirens

Disease: Anxiety and stage fright

Symptoms: Weakness and trembling; feeling paralyzed by fear; dizziness and headache


Disease: Headaches

Symptoms: Throbbing headache as if the head is about to explode; sensitivity to light and sound


Disease: Skin conditions

Symptoms: Dry, cracked skin with itching and burning; tendency to form thick, white scabs


Disease: Swollen glands

Symptoms: Swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck and armpits; hard and painless

Hamamelis virginica

Disease: Bruising and swelling

Symptoms: Internal bleeding with swelling and discoloration; bruises that develop slowly

Helleborus niger

Disease: Depression

Symptoms: Deep sadness and apathy; withdrawal from social interaction; slow and sluggish movements

Hepar sulphuris calcareum

Disease: Abscesses

Symptoms: Swollen, tender boils with pus; sensitivity to touch; irritability

Hippocastanum (see Aesculus hippocastanum)

Disease: Hemorrhoids


Hyoscyamus niger

Disease: Delirium

Symptoms: Restlessness and agitation; hallucinations; dilated pupils; incoherent speech

Hydrocotyle asiatica

Disease: Skin conditions

Symptoms: Psoriasis with red, scaly patches; dry, cracked skin

Hypericum perforatum

Disease: Nerve pain

Symptoms: Shooting or burning pain along nerves; numbness and tingling; sensitivity to touch

Ignatia amara

Disease: Grief and emotional trauma

Symptoms: Sadness with tearfulness and sighing; alternating moods; feeling of a lump in the throat


Disease: Hyperthyroidism

Symptoms: Increased appetite with weight loss; anxiety and restlessness; bulging eyes


Disease: Nausea and vomiting

Symptoms: Constant nausea with a clean tongue; vomiting of mucus and bile

Iris versicolor

Disease: Migraines

Symptoms: Throbbing headache on one side of the head, often with nausea and vomiting; sensitivity to light and sound

Janosia asoka

Disease: Uterine fibroids

Symptoms: Heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding; pelvic pain and pressure

Kali bromatum

Disease: Skin conditions

Symptoms: Acne with pimples and blackheads; oily skin; irritability and anxiety

Kali bichromicum

Disease: Sinusitis

Symptoms: Thick, yellow nasal discharge with a burning sensation; pressure and pain in the sinuses

Kali carbonicum

Disease: Back pain

Symptoms: Stiffness and pain in the lower back, especially in the morning; worse from cold and damp weather

Kali iodatum

Disease: Sinusitis

Symptoms: Thick, yellow nasal discharge with frontal sinus pain; headache

Kali muriaticum

Disease: Ear infections

Symptoms: Fluid-filled ears with muffled hearing; congestion and pressure

Kali phosphoricum

Disease: Nervous exhaustion

Symptoms: Weakness and fatigue with mental and physical exhaustion; difficulty concentrating

Kali sulphuricum

Disease: Skin conditions

Symptoms: Eczema with yellow, sticky discharge; itching and burning

Kalmia latifolia

Disease: Muscle cramps

Symptoms: Sharp, shooting pains in muscles; worse from exertion and touch


Disease: Vaginal infections

Symptoms: Foul-smelling vaginal discharge with itching and burning; soreness

Lac defloratum

Disease: Anemia

Symptoms: Pale skin and fatigue; aversion to milk

Lac caninum

Disease: Mood swings

Symptoms: Emotional instability with sudden mood swings and outbursts; fear of dogs


Disease: Menopause

Symptoms: Hot flashes with palpitations and anxiety; jealousy and suspicion

Lapis albus

Disease: Headaches

Symptoms: Stabbing headache with vertigo and nausea; sensitivity to light

Ledum palustre

Disease: Insect bites and stings

Symptoms: Puncture wounds with swelling, redness, and discoloration; improved by cold applications

Lycopodium clavatum

Disease: Indigestion

Symptoms: Bloating and gas after eating sweets; irritability and hunger pangs before meals

Magnesium phosphoricum

Disease: Muscle cramps

Symptoms: Cramping muscle pain with radiating heat; relieved by pressure and warmth


Disease: Sexually transmitted diseases

Symptoms: Burning pain during urination; genital discharge

Mercurius corrosivus

Disease: Urinary tract infections

Symptoms: Burning pain in the bladder with frequent, urgent urination

Mercurius solubilis

Disease: Gingivitis

Symptoms: Swollen, bleeding gums with bad breath; excessive salivation


Disease: Skin conditions

Symptoms: Dry, cracked skin with thick crusts; itching and burning; worse from scratching


Disease: Bleeding

Symptoms: Excessive bleeding from any orifice; nosebleeds; heavy menstrual periods

Muriatic acid

Disease: Heartburn

Symptoms: Burning pain in the stomach with sour belching; vomiting of sour fluid

Natrum arsenicum

Disease: Allergies

Symptoms: Runny nose with watery discharge; burning eyes; sneezing

Natrum carbonicum

Disease: Indigestion

Symptoms: Bloating and belching with sour regurgitation; heartburn

Natrum muriaticum

Disease: Emotional pain

Symptoms: Deep sadness with withdrawal from others; aversion to consolation

Natrum phosphoricum

Disease: Heartburn

Symptoms: Sour taste in mouth; heartburn worse after eating fatty foods

Natrum sulphuricum

Disease: Liver disorders

Symptoms: Jaundice with yellow skin and dark urine; bitter taste in mouth

Nitric acid

Disease: Hemorrhoids

Symptoms: Painful, bleeding hemorrhoids with a burning sensation; anal fissures

Nux moschata

Disease: Indigestion

Symptoms: Bloating and gas with mental confusion; dry mouth

Nux vomica

Disease: Hangovers

Symptoms: Nausea and headache with irritability and sensitivity to stimuli

Ocimum cannum

Disease: Diabetes

Symptoms: Excessive thirst and urination; dry skin and mouth

Ocimum sanctum

Disease: Anxiety

Symptoms: Restlessness and anxiety with difficulty concentrating; feeling overwhelmed


Disease: Constipation

Symptoms: Severe constipation with hard, black stools; drowsiness and apathy

Passiflora incarnata

Disease: Insomnia

Symptoms: Restlessness and anxiety; difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep


Disease: Skin conditions

Symptoms: Dry, cracked skin with deep fissures; itching and burning; worse in winter

Phosphoric acid

Disease: Depression

Symptoms: Apathy and lack of motivation; mental and physical exhaustion


Disease: Weakness and fatigue

Symptoms: Easy exhaustion; desire for stimulants; anxiety and worry

Phytolacca decandra

Disease: Swollen glands

Symptoms: Swollen lymph nodes throughout the body; sore throat; fever

Plantago major

Disease: Insect bites and stings

Symptoms: Itching, stinging sensation from bites and stings; swelling and redness

Plumbum metallicum

Disease: Constipation

Symptoms: Severe constipation with dry, hard stools; abdominal pain and colic

Podophyllum peltatum

Disease: Genital warts

Symptoms: Cauliflower-like warts on the genitals; itching and discomfort


Disease: Skin conditions

Symptoms: Psoriasis with thick, red, scaly patches; intense itching

Pulsatilla nigricans

Disease: Emotional upset

Symptoms: Tearfulness and need for consolation; changeable moods; mild symptoms


Disease: Mouth ulcers

Symptoms: Painful mouth ulcers with burning sensation; worse from cold drinks

Rhus toxicodendron

Disease: Joint pain

Symptoms: Stiffness and pain in joints, worse with cold and damp weather; improves with warmth and movement

Ruta graveolens

Disease: Back pain

Symptoms: Pain in the lower back, worse from sitting and lying down; improves with movement


Disease: Head lice

Symptoms: Itching scalp with visible lice and nits


Disease: Menorrhagia

Symptoms: Heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding with bright red blood; cramping pain

Sambucus nigra

Disease: Colds and flu

Symptoms: Runny nose with thick, yellow mucus; chills and fever; body aches

Sanguinaria canadensis

Disease: Sinusitis

Symptoms: Facial pain and pressure, worse from bending forward; thick, yellow nasal discharge

Secale cornutum

Disease: Gangrene

Symptoms: Coldness and numbness in the extremities; discoloration of the skin; weakness and faintness


Disease: Skin conditions

Symptoms: Dry, scaly skin with itching and burning; tendency to form white spots on the nails


Disease: Menopause

Symptoms: Hot flashes with night sweats; emotional indifference; fatigue and weakness


Disease: Slow healing wounds

Symptoms: Puncture wounds that heal slowly; splinter injuries; pus formation


Disease: Injuries and surgery

Symptoms: Painful wounds with a stinging sensation; irritability and anger


Disease: Delirium

Symptoms: Restlessness and agitation; hallucinations; dilated pupils; incoherent speech


Disease: Skin conditions

Symptoms: Eczema with red, itchy, burning patches; aversion to bathing

Symphytum officinale

Disease: Bone fractures

Symptoms: Slow healing of fractures; pain and swelling at the fracture site

Thuja occidentalis

Disease: Skin warts

Symptoms: Soft, wart-like growths on the skin; recurrent skin infections

Thuya plicata

Disease: Warts and moles

Symptoms: Flat, brown moles; recurrent skin growths


Disease: Hypothyroidism

Symptoms: Weight gain and fatigue; intolerance to cold; dry skin and hair

Uranium nitricum

Disease: Diabetes

Symptoms: Excessive thirst and hunger; frequent urination; weakness and fatigue

Urtica urens

Disease: Skin allergies

Symptoms: Hives with itchy, red welts; burning sensation; worse from scratching

Valeriana officinalis

Disease: Insomnia

Symptoms: Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep; restlessness and anxiety

Verbascum thapsus

Disease: Earaches

Symptoms: Earache with throbbing pain and a feeling of fullness; discharge of pus

Veratrum album

Disease: Cold and flu

Symptoms: Chills and sweats; severe weakness and prostration; cold, clammy skin

Viburnum opulus

Disease: Menstrual cramps

Symptoms: Severe cramping pain in the lower abdomen before and during menstruation

Viola odorata

Disease: Eczema

Symptoms: Weeping eczema with oozing blisters; intense itching

Zincum metallicum

Disease: Night sweats

Symptoms: Excessive sweating at night, especially on the head and neck; irritability and restlessness