Shoulder arthroscopy cost in India details and Cost in India

The procedure starts at the cost of ₹ 160,000

Shoulder Arthroscopy:
Description: Shoulder arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat various shoulder conditions. It involves inserting a small camera, called an arthroscope, into the shoulder joint through a small incision. The arthroscope allows the surgeon to view the inside of the shoulder on a monitor and perform procedures using small surgical instruments.
Preparation: The patient is prepared for surgery, which may include anesthesia to numb the shoulder or general anesthesia to make the patient unconscious.
Incisions: Small incisions are made around the shoulder to insert the arthroscope and surgical instruments.
Visualization: The arthroscope is inserted into the shoulder joint, and images of the inside of the shoulder are transmitted to a monitor.
Treatment: Depending on the condition being treated, the surgeon may repair torn ligaments or tendons, remove damaged tissue, or perform other procedures to improve shoulder function.
Closure: After the procedure is completed, the incisions are closed with sutures or surgical tape.
Conditions Treated:
Rotator cuff tears
Shoulder impingement
Shoulder instability
Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis)
Labral tears
Biceps tendonitis
Shoulder arthritis
Minimally invasive procedure with smaller incisions and less tissue damage compared to open surgery
Quicker recovery time
Reduced pain and swelling after surgery
Improved shoulder function and range of motion
Risks and Complications:
Nerve or blood vessel damage
Stiffness or instability in the shoulder joint
Failure to resolve the underlying shoulder problem
Recovery: Recovery from shoulder arthroscopy depends on the specific procedure performed and the individual patient. Physical therapy may be recommended to help restore shoulder strength and range of motion.
Shoulder arthroscopy is a safe and effective procedure for diagnosing and treating a variety of shoulder conditions. It offers many benefits over traditional open surgery, including smaller incisions, less tissue damage, and quicker recovery times. If you are experiencing shoulder pain or have been diagnosed with a shoulder condition, speak with your healthcare provider to determine if shoulder arthroscopy is right for you.

City-wise Cost Estimates


Minimum Cost: ₹ 160,000

Average Cost: ₹ 175,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 190,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 160,000

Average Cost: ₹ 175,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 190,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 160,000

Average Cost: ₹ 175,000

Maximum Cost: ₹ 190,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 120,000

Average Cost: ₹ 131,250

Maximum Cost: ₹ 142,500


Minimum Cost: ₹ 120,000

Average Cost: ₹ 131,250

Maximum Cost: ₹ 142,500


Minimum Cost: ₹ 120,000

Average Cost: ₹ 131,250

Maximum Cost: ₹ 142,500


Minimum Cost: ₹ 80,000

Average Cost: ₹ 87,500

Maximum Cost: ₹ 95,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 80,000

Average Cost: ₹ 87,500

Maximum Cost: ₹ 95,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 80,000

Average Cost: ₹ 87,500

Maximum Cost: ₹ 95,000


Minimum Cost: ₹ 80,000

Average Cost: ₹ 87,500

Maximum Cost: ₹ 95,000


Important Disclaimer Regarding Procedure Costs:

The information provided on this webpage regarding procedure costs is based on extensive research from trusted sources, including hospitals, health organizations, and other reliable channels. However, it's crucial to understand that actual costs can vary depending on several factors, including:

Location: Costs can differ significantly based on your geographical location.
Individual Needs: Your specific medical condition and required services can impact the total cost.
Facility: Costs may vary between different hospitals and clinics.
Insurance Coverage: Your insurance plan and coverage details will influence your out-of-pocket expenses.

For the most accurate and up-to-date cost information, we strongly recommend that you:

Visit the hospital or clinic's website: Many healthcare providers list estimated costs for procedures on their websites.
Contact the hospital or clinic directly: Speak with a representative from the billing department to get a personalized quote for your specific situation.

We strive to provide the most accurate and helpful information possible. However, this disclaimer emphasizes the importance of verifying cost details directly with healthcare providers before making any decisions.