
Overview of AI Applications in delivery of health care services and ethical issues

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly used in healthcare to improve diagnosis, personalize treatments, support drug development, and enhance operational efficiency. However, the integration of AI in healthcare raises several ethical issues that must be addressed by developers, users, and stakeholders.

Key Ethical Questions

Impact on Stakeholders:

Social Justice:

Ethical Concerns

Data Issues:

Bias and Fairness:

Transparency and Accountability:

Conflicting Interests:

Implications for Healthcare

Ethical frameworks for health care and for AI

Professional Ethics in Healthcare

Professional Definition: Professionals (e.g., doctors, lawyers, teachers) are those who, while often compensated, serve public interests and are bound by ethical codes. They have fiduciary responsibilities, prioritizing the well-being of clients over personal or external interests.

Fiduciary Responsibilities: Professionals are entrusted with significant powers, such as access to private health information or performing actions considered criminal in other contexts (e.g., administering anesthesia, performing surgery). This leeway is based on the assumption that their actions are in the best interest of their clients, even if they involve some level of harm.

Self-Regulation: Professionals are often self-regulated through professional associations, which:

Ethical Frameworks for AI in Healthcare

Professional Codes of Ethics:

Regulatory Systems:

Interplay of Interests:


Ethical considerations in the development and use of AI in healthcare involve:

AI and incentives in health care delivery and payment structures

Incentives in Healthcare Systems

Role of AI in Healthcare

Ethical Challenges in AI Models

Bias and Discrimination:

Proxy Measures:

Model Design and Ethical Implications:

Case Study: Insurance Predictive Models


AI in healthcare has significant potential for improving efficiency and predicting outcomes. However, ethical challenges include managing bias, accurately adjusting for risk, and addressing limitations of proxy measures. Ensuring that AI models are designed with a thorough understanding of patient data and potential biases is crucial to minimizing harm and achieving fair outcomes.

More examples of AI and incentives in health care delivery and paymeny structures

Incentive-Driven Healthcare Systems

AI Applications in Predictive Analytics

Hospital Readmissions Prediction:

Bundled Payments for Joint Replacements:

Ethical Considerations

Unintended Consequences of Incentives:

Data and Bias Issues:

Model Design and Implementation:

Key Takeaways