Basic Operations and Characteristics of Hospitals

Hospitals as Organizations:

Facilities and Services:

Dimensions of Variation:

  1. Level of Services:
  2. Focus:
  3. Teaching and Training:

Staff and Roles:

Operational Context:

In summary, hospitals are complex organizations that vary widely in terms of services, focus, and operational structures. They aim to provide comprehensive medical care while managing the intricacies of running a business.

How Hospitals Relate to Physicians and Intermediaries

1. Hospitals and Physicians:

Direct Employment:

Admitting Privileges:

2. Hospitals and Intermediaries:

Stable Relationships:

Fluid Relationships:

Hospital Payment Methods: Charge Masters/FFS and Per Diem

1. Fee-for-Service:

2. Per-Diem System:

Variations in Per-Diem:

  1. Different Per-Diems for Different Services:
  2. Different Per-Diems for Different Days:
  3. Carve-Outs:

These payment systems reflect different approaches to compensating hospitals for inpatient care, with varying impacts on hospital revenue and care delivery.

Hospital Payment Methods: DRGs

Key Points about DRG Systems:

  1. DRG Definition:
  2. Admission and Discharge:
  3. Grouping and Payment:
  4. Payment Calculation:
  5. Payment Characteristics:
  6. Evolution of DRG Systems:
  7. Outlier Payments:
  8. Prospective Payment System:

DRG systems provide a standardized method for hospital payment based on patient diagnoses, promoting efficiency and cost control while evolving to address diverse patient needs and healthcare practices.

Hospital Payment Methods: Global Budgets

Key Points about Global Budget Payment Method:

  1. Global Budget Overview:
  2. Determining the Budget:
  3. Budget Calculation:
  4. Implementation Considerations:
  5. Comparison with Capitation:

The global budget method aims to provide a predictable and stable funding source for hospitals, encouraging efficient care while managing costs. However, it requires careful planning and coordination to align funding with the hospital's expected patient population and service scope.

Hospital Payment Topics: Payment for Inpatient vs Outpatient Services,Hospital vs Physician Payments; Charges and Payments

Key Points on Hospital and Physician Payment:

  1. Inpatient vs. Outpatient Care:
  2. Professional vs. Facility Components:
  3. Charges vs. Payments:

Understanding these distinctions helps in comprehending hospital and physician billing practices and ensuring accurate financial assessments.

Risk and Incentives in Hospital Payment

Understanding Risk and Incentives in Hospital Payment Systems:

Risk Transfer:

  1. Fee-for-Service:
  2. Per Diem:
  3. DRG (Diagnosis Related Group):
  4. Global Budgets:

Incentives Created by Payment Systems:

  1. Fee-for-Service:
  2. Per Diem:
  3. DRG:
  4. Global Budgets:

Trade-offs and Challenges:

Physician and Hospital Incentives Alignment:

Coping Strategies:

Understanding these aspects of risk and incentives helps in designing hospital payment systems that promote both efficiency and high-quality care.

Independent Facilities - Structure and Payment

For healthcare providers who are not physicians or hospitals, payment arrangements often bear similarities to those for physicians and hospitals but can also have unique aspects depending on the type of provider and their specific services. Here’s a brief look at some common payment models for various types of healthcare professionals and organizations:

1. Nurses, Technicians, and Allied Health Professionals

2. Independent Practitioners (Dentists, Optometrists, etc.)

3. Independent Facilities (Labs, Diagnostic Centers, etc.)

4. Long-Term Care and Other Facilities

In summary, while many payment arrangements for various healthcare providers share similarities with those for physicians and hospitals, each type of provider may have unique models adapted to their specific services and operational contexts.

Health Care Systems and Larger Provider Organizations

The formation of larger, integrated healthcare organizations is indeed a significant trend with potential benefits and challenges. Here's a summary of the key types of integrated provider organizations and related models:

1. Hospital Systems

2. Physician-Hospital Organizations (PHOs)

3. Integrated Delivery Networks (IDNs) or Integrated Delivery Systems (IDS)

4. Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs)

Emerging Innovations


Understanding these trends helps to navigate the evolving healthcare landscape and assess how different models impact care delivery and payment structures.

Pay for Performance

Pay for Performance (P4P) is a model aimed at improving the quality of care by linking financial incentives or penalties to performance metrics. Here’s a breakdown of key aspects and considerations related to P4P:

1. Concept and Implementation of P4P

2. Key Questions in Designing P4P Systems

3. Examples and Context

4. Implications and Future Outlook

In summary, P4P is a growing trend in healthcare payment systems that seeks to link compensation with quality and performance. While it holds promise for improving care, its design and implementation require careful consideration to balance incentives and avoid potential pitfalls.

EMRs, EHRs, and PHRs

Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) and Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are digital systems designed to manage patient health information.

Electronic Medical Records (EMRs):

Electronic Health Records (EHRs):

Key Considerations:

  1. Interoperability: Ensuring different EMR and EHR systems can effectively communicate with each other to facilitate seamless information exchange between providers.
  2. Patient Access and Engagement: Allowing patients to access and manage their own health information, potentially through Personal Health Records (PHRs), and ensuring their involvement in their care.
  3. Privacy and Security: Protecting patient data from unauthorized access and breaches while maintaining compliance with regulations.
  4. Utilization: Leveraging EMRs and EHRs to improve care quality, track trends, and manage patient follow-up more effectively.

Personal Health Records (PHRs):

The evolution from paper to digital records has enhanced the management of patient information but also introduces challenges in interoperability, patient engagement, and data security.

Providers, Provider Incentives, Data, and Tools

Broader Lessons for Healthcare Provider Organizations and Data Use

Incentives and Innovation

  1. Impact of Payment Models:
  2. Organization Size and Resource Availability:
  3. Focus of Innovations:

Data Utilization

  1. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and Electronic Medical Records (EMRs):
  2. Payment Data:
  3. Data Integration:

Key Takeaways:

By keeping these factors in mind, stakeholders can better navigate the complexities of healthcare provider incentives, innovation adoption, and data utilization.